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Re: Assault

by raecoffey » Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:55 pm

So, body cameras being either forward or rear facing beasts that they are... How would a camera 📷 have captured him under my skirt running his hand along the inside of my skirt. Maybe I should have moaned for effect? Also, when should I have bought the camera? When tge year 2023 wrote and suggested I do so?

Re: Assault

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Fri Mar 03, 2023 6:54 pm

It's they said, they said sometimes.

Re: Assault

by Tdarcos » Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:35 pm

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:31 pm
Tdarcos wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:45 am Before I say anything, I eant to make sure if you want to hear my recommendations. I do not want to offer unsolicited suggestions on something this personal without getting permission first.
Is this offer on the table for everyone?
Yes. There are several things she can do. Some cost money.

1. Buy a body cam. For less than $35 you can buy a regular camera or a pen camera if you have a shirt pocket or someplace from where it can see. This makes it very unlikely they can do something without being seen.

2 Buy one and wear it obviously to make it clear you are recording. This could simply stop further repetition

3. Buy a cell phone necklace; amazon has them for about $7. Get one that's transparent. Set the phone to rear (forward facing) camera, then start recording video. Nobody else will know it"s on.

5. Do more than one of these so they don't yow you have multiple cameras

5. Send out an anonymous tip, state you,'re afraid of repercussions, but an employee of Happy Euthanasia nursing home has been molesting me. Whether you want to ame him is up to you, but consider this: abusers usually don't just target one, there are probably others.

6. You want hardevidence for the very reason I specified in .y original message. A "he said, she said" incident is difficult to prosecute without more evidence. They can argue that you are having hallucinations, that you confused him with somebody else, but it's really hard to argue that your client didn't do it when there's video of his hand in the cookie jar, so to speak.

Re: Assault

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:31 pm

Tdarcos wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:45 am Before I say anything, I eant to make sure if you want to hear my recommendations. I do not want to offer unsolicited suggestions on something this personal without getting permission first.
Is this offer on the table for everyone?

Re: Assault

by pinback » Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:19 am

I hate it when mommy and daddy fight.

Re: Assault

by Tdarcos » Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:12 am

raecoffey wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:18 am Fuck your.burden.of.proof.
I'm sorry to that you feel that way. 331 years ago in Salem, Massachusetts women were put on trial for being witches. On nothing more than someone accusing them. Any unisual occurrence coulf be blamed on them, no proof needed. Conviction resulred in them being hanged.

Lsck of respect for human rights cuts both ways.

Sunce ypu aparently do not want my advice, I'll quit reading this thread. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I wish you good luck in obtaining justice for what happened to you.

Re: Assault

by pinback » Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:40 am

raecoffey wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:18 am geese!

Re: Assault

by raecoffey » Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:18 am

Tdarcos wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:45 am
raecoffey wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:04 pm I was assaulted yesterday.
By someone who works at my nursing home 🏡.
Before I say anything, I eant to make sure if you want to hear my recommendations. I do not want to offer unsolicited suggestions on something this personal without getting permission first.

I have a number of suggestions on things you could do about what has hapened.There are ways to report this privately and/or pseudononymously such that it does not reflect on (back to) you.

- - - -
I wish to make it clear that the fillowing comment does not apply to you personaly or to your issue. The fact you're trying yo keep this private tend to make it sound more credible, but I do have cettain things I believe in.
raecoffey wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:04 pm #MeTooAgain
I have a comment about this because while I undetstand the issue of being alleged victims of assault or other crimes, I do not agree with the goaks of those pushing the MeToo agenda: that if a woman claims she was assaulted or attacked, we should always believe her without question. We must never allow symathy for a person claiming to have been assaulted, mistreated, and/or violated to change the fundental concepts of justice. We should never unquestioningly believe any alegation of any crime. False accusations do happen, and probably more often than we realize. The Duke Lacrosse Team, Central Park Jogger, and other incidents show that hystetia can overwhelm reasoned judgment.

The requirement must always be innocent until proven guilty.Otherwise it is possible for exessive concern for the aleged victim of a crime to sweep up innocent people, then place the burden on them to prove they are innocent.

If you think this is farfetchef, this is what is being proposed in Canada.


Re: Assault

by Tdarcos » Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:45 am

raecoffey wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:04 pm I was assaulted yesterday.
By someone who works at my nursing home 🏡.
Before I say anything, I eant to make sure if you want to hear my recommendations. I do not want to offer unsolicited suggestions on something this personal without getting permission first.

I have a number of suggestions on things you could do about what has hapened.There are ways to report this privately and/or pseudononymously such that it does not reflect on (back to) you.

- - - -
I wish to make it clear that the fillowing comment does not apply to you personaly or to your issue. The fact you're trying yo keep this private tend to make it sound more credible, but I do have cettain things I believe in.
raecoffey wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:04 pm #MeTooAgain
I have a comment about this because while I undetstand the issue of being alleged victims of assault or other crimes, I do not agree with the goaks of those pushing the MeToo agenda: that if a woman claims she was assaulted or attacked, we should always believe her without question. We must never allow symathy for a person claiming to have been assaulted, mistreated, and/or violated to change the fundental concepts of justice. We should never unquestioningly believe any alegation of any crime. False accusations do happen, and probably more often than we realize. The Duke Lacrosse Team, Central Park Jogger, and other incidents show that hystetia can overwhelm reasoned judgment.

The requirement must always be innocent until proven guilty.Otherwise it is possible for exessive concern for the aleged victim of a crime to sweep up innocent people, then place the burden on them to prove they are innocent.

If you think this is farfetchef, this is what is being proposed in Canada.

Re: Assault

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:46 pm

I think he'd face the music here.

Re: Assault

by raecoffey » Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:41 pm


Re: Assault

by pinback » Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:02 pm

Is he on Discord?

Re: Assault

by Ice Cream Jonsey » Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:36 pm

Can you send him a link to this forum?


by raecoffey » Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:04 pm

I was assaulted yesterday.
By someone who works at my nursing home 🏡.

To make a long story short...

Him: drives over bumps
Me: screams in pain (catheter, urinary tract pain)

Him: "oh, sorry, I'll drive slower."
Me: "ok thanks. The reason that I have car anxiety, is that my exfiance Adam, My daughter Noel's father who murdered her and her sister, used to abuse me with the car. He used to go 90 in the rain on back country roads, where there were deer 🦌 and the passengers side seatbelt was broken. (He never bothered to get it fixed btw.) So he would only slow down if I did something for him, and even then it was 75mph and the baby was in the car." ( the something that he made me do for him was road-head but i did not say that outloud.)
Him: doubles his speed, racing around corners, hitting every pothole...
Me: "screaming!"
Him: parks, starts to take the straps off that are holding the wheelchair ♿️ down. Could have easily reached to his right and forward to unbuckle one of the seatbelts. Pulls up my skirt. From over me reaches down, runs his hand slowly down my inner thigh, so close to my pum that my pubic hairs could feel his hand going by, all the way over and down, slowly, through my leg, out and around to unbuckle the seatbelt. Slowly retreats in the same fashion.

I have decided not to tell.
1 he is established here.
2 his wife is the supervisor
3 his daughter works here too.
4 the administrator has laughted at a joke about my weight before. I do not think she will believe it.
5 everyone will think that I am doing it for attention.
6 I am staying quiet to avoid social awkwardness.
7 I am staying quiet to avoid scrutiny.
8 I'm staying quiet to avoid drama.


Also, I have never, at any size, had any trouble getting good looking men. I have dozens of men, both IRL and some online too pining for me ATM... so there all you fat-girl-haters!
