By someone who works at my nursing home
To make a long story short...
Him: drives over bumps
Me: screams in pain (catheter, urinary tract pain)
Him: "oh, sorry, I'll drive slower."
Me: "ok thanks. The reason that I have car anxiety, is that my exfiance Adam, My daughter Noel's father who murdered her and her sister, used to abuse me with the car. He used to go 90 in the rain on back country roads, where there were deer
Him: doubles his speed, racing around corners, hitting every pothole...
Me: "screaming!"
Him: parks, starts to take the straps off that are holding the wheelchair
I have decided not to tell.
1 he is established here.
2 his wife is the supervisor
3 his daughter works here too.
4 the administrator has laughted at a joke about my weight before. I do not think she will believe it.
5 everyone will think that I am doing it for attention.
6 I am staying quiet to avoid social awkwardness.
7 I am staying quiet to avoid scrutiny.
8 I'm staying quiet to avoid drama.
Also, I have never, at any size, had any trouble getting good looking men. I have dozens of men, both IRL and some online too pining for me ATM... so there all you fat-girl-haters!