by pinback » Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:53 am
Ah! Then ...Kh8.
Gettin' the old boy squared away over there!
Notice, that if you were in a trading mood, instead of Qd5+, you could have gone Qxf4...exf4 Rxe8...Rxe8, trading a queen and a rook for a queen and a rook.
That would not have served your purposes, though, in this case, as explained previously.
Ah! Then [b]...Kh8[/b].
Gettin' the old boy squared away over there!
Notice, that if you were in a trading mood, instead of Qd5+, you could have gone Qxf4...exf4 Rxe8...Rxe8, trading a queen and a rook for a queen and a rook.
That would not have served your purposes, though, in this case, as explained previously.