[The Chess] Debaser vs. Pinback - Teaching Style

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Post by Debaser »

So that's a no, then? Fine with me.


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Post by pinback »

What's a no? Sure, we can stop explaining moves if you'd prefer. I was just... <sniff> I was just trying to help. <heaving sobs>.


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Post by Debaser »

No, I'd actually rather keep the explanations. But you said you were done teaching, so I thought that meant we were going into real game mode. And since you didn't offer even the barest of commentary on Nxf4 (not that it especially needed it), that sort of confirmed my suspicions.


While I realize I'm probably about to be on the defensive, I'm still going to try to push my guys forward, especially now that your pawn iron curtain has begun to deteriorate at least a tad. I can kind of see the rudiments of an assault forming, provided you don't have me on the run constantly from here on out.

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Post by pinback »

Debaser wrote:Ng4
"I'm afraid you can't do that, Dave." - HAL 9000.

Hasn't my rook got your knight pinned?

(And anyhow, wouldn't it be "Nxg4", taking the pawn, if indeed you were allowed to do so?)

I'll go on explaining moves all night. The problem is, the further away we get from "1. e4", the less I know, and the more I'm afraid of doing genuine damage to an upstart's chess thinking. I'd hate to harm you in such a way.

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Post by Debaser »

Ah. Right on all counts, though I did know I was taking the pawn (forgot to annotate it properly).


I'm not sure if this really helps anything or not. I'm harrassing the queenside rook, who's protected by your queen anyway, and allowing my queen to be harrassed by your knight should you choose to go that route. But at least she's in a slightly better position to protext the king should that prove necessary.

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Post by pinback »


Kind of a dickwad thing to do, but like I said, "when ahead in pawns, trade pieces".

I live by the same rules I preach, you gotta give me that.

(And if Bxf2, then: ...Rf4, harrassing your queen.)

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Post by Debaser »

Qf5+ (hopefully I've got the board straight this time)

While I'm usually not a fan of checking for checking's sake, I have to move the queen anyway, and this at least keeps you from getting a free move because of that.

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Post by pinback »

You mean Qd5+?

Here's what MY board looks like before your last stated move (Qf5+??!)

Last edited by pinback on Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Debaser »

Yes. Sorry.

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Post by pinback »

Ah! Then ...Kh8.

Gettin' the old boy squared away over there!

Notice, that if you were in a trading mood, instead of Qd5+, you could have gone Qxf4...exf4 Rxe8...Rxe8, trading a queen and a rook for a queen and a rook.

That would not have served your purposes, though, in this case, as explained previously.
Last edited by pinback on Sat Jul 10, 2004 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Debaser »

Wait. Sorry.
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Post by pinback »


=== On Hold! ===
Re3 doesn't appear to directly affect my knight, but I'll trust your judgement.


Offering the queen trade, or else amassing strength against the King on the F-file.

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Post by Debaser »

I just assumed you'd moved your knight and not your rook to harass my queen. Then I looked at your board and realized my mistake.

Let me change to Rd2. That way I can take your rook if yo0u check me without permanently exposing my king.

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Post by pinback »

That's fine. I will still make the same gay-ass ...Qf7 move, for the same reason.

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Post by Debaser »


No trades, you've sold me on the idea that it isn't in my interests. At least there I can control the second and third ranks pretty handily.

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Post by pinback »

Look again. You can essentially win the game on your next move, and it ain't Qe3. This is a teaching game. What I'm trying to teach you here is, 1) I suck, and 2) if someone blunders, pounce on 'em.

One more try.

(BTW: My blunder was genuine. I didn't do it to "show you something". I really am that bad.)

(BTW2: "Qe3" isn't even a valid move. You may be better at chess, but I'm still better at notation.)

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Post by Debaser »

pinback wrote:(BTW2: "Qe3" isn't even a valid move. You may be better at chess, but I'm still better at notation.)
Er... no I'm not. I really don't see the move you mean...

Nor, in retrospect do I see how Qf7 was supposed to prompt a Queen trade...

II've checked the board like four times now both for errors and for what the hell you're talking about. This is depressing.

Humiliated in my moment of triumph!!

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Post by pinback »

Your Queen is at d5 (see above: "Qd5+"). I moved mine to f7. They're staring at each other, all catty-like. You know how women are.

Like this:


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Post by Debaser »

pinback wrote:Your Queen is at d5 (see above: "Qd5+"). I moved mine to f7. They're staring at each other, all catty-like. You know how women are.

Like this:

Oh, right right right. f 7. I had her in lik three different spots and not one of them was right. You are much better at notation.

So, anyway, yeah. Qxa8+.

Though that's still not going to get me mate in the next couple moves, unless you make another error.

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Post by pinback »

No, it's not, but the material (and momentum) advantage is too much to deal with.


**** You have won at: THE CHESS!!!!!! ****

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