CGE2K3 Guest List Update

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CGE2K3 Guest List Update

Post by bruce »

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Re: CGE2K3 Guest List Update

Post by bruce »

Specifically, Bill Kunkel, Human Nutlump, is going.

I say we waylay his ass in the stairwell and give him a beating he'll never forget.


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Re: CGE2K3 Guest List Update

Post by bruce »

And Franz Lanzinger, daddy of Bentley Bear.


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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Ah, well, I'm not as interested in this year's bunch as I was in the group that was there last year, but who cares... That's not exactly the main reason I'm going.

Steve Cartwright

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Actually, I was going to say that Steve Cartwright was the only one that interested me but I thought that'd expose my ignorance and make me look even worse.

Warren Davis

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

The frigging Bentley Bear AND Q*bert guy are going to be there? Yes. Ohhhh yes, yes, yes.

Let me ask "the panel" this -- comic pros feel weird about putting their name on a comic that they didn't work on. Fair 'nuff, right? Well, let's say that I want to get Lanzinger's autograph. I can't very well drag my CC tabletop down to Vegas. If I go grab a boxed 2600 Crystal Castles game and ask him to sign it... does the guy do it?

I would predict that he would. If someone ported Revenger to the 2600 I would be OK signing the cart or the box because, hey, I made up all that shizznit. Just like our main man Franz here and the bestest, baddest bear of all time.

What do the rest of you think?

(For the record, I did get Lord British to sign my Ultima 7 disc and Douglas Adams to sign my Infocom Masterpieces CD. I was hoping to meet Brian Fargo (Bard's Tale -- which was included on "The RPG Archives" on a CD that Interplay put out a few years back and then get Brian Moriarty to sign my Infocom disc as well, but I didn't meet those two when I went to E3.)
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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

C'mon, as good as Q*bert is, Barnstorming just has a really special place in my heart.

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Yay Brian Fargo and Brian Moriarty.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I ordered a sealed copy of Crystal Castles for the 2600 of eBay.

Should I remove the shrink wrap before asking the dude to sign it?
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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Look who else is going to be there:

This probably belongs in the other thread, but any specific date are people looking to finalize lodging plans?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

We should probably do it real soon. Debaser wanted to know this as well.

It's actually 3:30am here and I need to get to bed, but I'll try to re-visit this ASAP.
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Re: CGE2K3 Guest List Update

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

bruce wrote:
Specifically, Bill Kunkel, Human Nutlump, is going.

I say we waylay his ass in the stairwell and give him a beating he'll never forget.


Bill Kunkel died. I never remember anything about him, other than how Bruce didn't like him.

Someone started video game journalism awards. You can win a "Kunkel" now.
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Post by Flack »

I saw Bill Kunkel speak at CGE2K7 and bought a copy of his book there, which he signed. I don't know why Bruce doesn't (didn't) like him but I found him fairly entertaining. I've heard him and several other early video game programmers and journalists speak and it's amazing how many of their stories involve cocaine. None of my stories involve cocaine.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

None yet, let's see how the second annual Track and Field rally goes.
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Post by Flack »

I do remember one funny story. Both in his book ("Confessions from the Game Doctor") and when speaking with him in person, Kunkel mentions/mentioned that he created the word and concept of a "screen shot." It seems kind of obvious in retrospect that video game journalists would eventually need to show people what the games looked like, and calling a shot of the screen a "screen shot" seems pretty straight forward, but apparently he was pretty proud of the fact.

I do like the idea that Kunkel and his compadres kind of presented themselves as people on the fringe instead of simple video game nerds. I don't know if that was the reality or not but if you have to choose one or the other as a way to be remembered, I'd pick the former.
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Post by bruce »

I don't like Kunkel because he wrote a piece about text adventures, sometime in the 90s, in which he ... well, OK, I'll just include the comment from Sins Against Mimesis.

Code: Select all

!-----------------------------The Kunkel----------------------------

! Ahh, the Kunkel.  Remember William (?) Kunkel's diatribe against the Sci-Fi
!  pack, reposted to raif, in which it became obvious that he'd never
!  actually played the games and his big problem was the primitive two-
!  word parser?
! Well, this Kunkel lives only to play "Stiffy Makane, Space Marine"
! Here's the deal: you have to kill it by substituting the text adventure
!  CD for Stiffy.  But you can't open the computer unless the goggles are
!  unplugged, because it'll notice.
! Once you've unplugged the goggles, you have a few turns to make the switch.
!  if you leave the CD tray empty, you anger the Kunkel.  If it's angry, it
!  kills you the next turn you're in the room with it.
! The death-by-Kunkel routine is an homage to _Detective_ and more
!  generally to AGT monsters, and I think it dates back to GAGS monsters.
For those of you still reading: the Sci-Fi Pack was a collection of Infocom SF adventure games. As all of you, but not Bill Kunkel, know, the parser for Infocom games was not a two-word parser.

Here's a direct quote from him:

"To do
anything in an Infocom text adventure, players must enter commands in a
strict verb-noun format (Go Door, Open Closet, Take Gun, etc.)."

His reviews and the ensuing discussion are at:!topic ... bZHgGxBeOY

So that's why I don't like him.


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Post by Flack »

That's fair. I've run into that before -- video game journalists that are more focused on writing an article or a review than they are playing a game and giving it an honest review.
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