I heard Rush Limbaugh going on about Tiger last week, he was all like "isn't it amazing how Tiger has earned a second chance after he's been so disgraced". That got me thinking about the start of this thread - I just can't figure out how Tiger cheating on his wife (who is now a multimillionaire) with trashy white women was so horribly disgraceful. He didn't roofee anyone, he didn't masturbate in front of unwilling women, he didn't jokingly pretend to grab a woman's tits by putting his hands nowhere near a flack jacket, he didn't even beat his wife. How did his infidelities affect any of us?pinback wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:35 am Athletes are more about, are you still going to root for them and cheer them on. I've found recently that an athlete I've been a huge fan of for decades did something, not illegal, but distasteful enough to me that I find myself not caring about what he does anymore, or even actively rooting against him.
Screw you, Tiger.
He was known as a golf prodigy, and yeah for his endorsement contracts he tried acting like a role model. Him turning out to have a fetish for trashy women makes me feel like he's a normal sports or celebrity guy, not some sort of magical guy who is perfect at everything. In fact, his wife coming after him with a golf club and the fact that he barely even bought the women fast food makes the whole story hilarious to me.
Pinner, how can you possibly let Tiger cheating on his wife obscure the fact that he's busted his ass for years to rehabilitate and play with an improved swing that doesn't destroy his body as much. He's paid his dues and worked his way back which is a great role model.
I thought we liked him for golf, not what he does with his penis.