Back when we were traveling - Connections was on PBS television in first run so it was 1979 - we stopped in a few places in Arizona after leaving Southern California, specifically Long Beach.AArdvark wrote: Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:12 pm A quick note on manners. The locals are very polite, the other torists tend to be entitled assholes. Well, maybe just snobs or something. Not full assholes but close.
One time I had parked near downtown Phoenix and had walked over to a crosswalk on a major busy 4-lane city street, and was waiting for the traffic to clear. As a 5-year veteran pedestrian used to Southern California traffic, I "knew" that when you want to cross a street at the crosswalk where there is no traffic signal, you stand at the corner, on the sidewalk, then watch and wait until there is an opening, because the cars do not grant you any leeway, they don't even slow down and will probably run you over if you were in the street.
Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather, because, while I was standing there, on the sidewalk, the cars in both directions came to a stop. And not "slam on brakes" stops, regular smooth stops as if, all the drivers approaching thought, "oh, it's a pedestrian waiting to cross up ahead, I'll treat the intersection as if it had a stop sign."
Looks like Arizona maintains its nice attitude.