AArdvark wrote:Ok, so Los Angeles County is suing four major retailers because they made false advertising claims. I put this in here cause it tangentially Christmas related. Retailers have been doing this for decades, if not longer, why get all up in arms about it now?
Alleged quote from 1948: The Allied governments are suing the Germans who ran Nazi Germany for the commission of war crimes even though all of the allied governments had done similar incidents and the Russians were just as bad and these things have been happening for thousands of years.
KTLA 5 Los Angeles has an article. Here's my take. Retailers were claiming huge discounts over regular prices, but the merchandise was never sold at those inflated prices. This means not only were customers deceived by these claims, any competitors who were truthful had their business damaged. The question is, should a competitor be allowed to beat you by lying, and do so with impunity?
Alleged quote from 1948: The Allied governments are suing the Germans who ran Nazi Germany for the commission of war crimes even though all of the allied governments had done similar incidents and the Russians were just as bad and these things have been happening for thousands of years.
Alleged quote from 1948: The Allied governments are suing the Germans who ran Nazi Germany for the commission of war crimes even though all of the allied governments had done similar incidents and the Russians were just as bad and these things have been happening for thousands of years.
The winners write the history books.
True, and some think that how we treated the Nazis at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials was "Victor's Justice," where the winners inflict enormous penalties on the losers. The fact that there were some acquittals tends to reduce the strength of that argument.
I am of the opinion that the Versailles treaty of WWI was victor's justice, and the extreme;y harsh reparations imposed on Weimar Germany was one of the - if not the - primary causes of WWII.
But anyway, to re-stress the point of the original argument, retailers did things they weren't supposed to do: lie to deceive customers and injure competitors.
"Baby, I was afraid before
I'm not afraid, any more."
- Belinda Carlisle, Heaven Is A Place On Earth
OK, I'm posting this here because it's sort of related to Christmas. I was watching Rudolph again for the seventy millionth time and I noticed something funny at the end. It made me think of the television special in a whole new light.
In the end scene, where the credits appear, Santa is driving his sleigh while an elf hands the misfit toys an umbrella and sends them off. The part that made me sit up was when the bird that doesn't fly (he swims!) comes out of Santa's sack. The elf looks at the bird and DOESN'T give him an umbrella. He just tosses the bird overboard. This means that the bird falls to his death because remember, he can't fly.
So I started thinking...
You know how Santa is a dick for most of the show? Well, what if... What if somehow some BAD TOYS got made in his shop? Like a polka-doted elephant or a water pistol filled with jelly. Santa would naturally want to hide the BAD TOYS to keep his product from getting a bad name. So....What if Santa simply called them Misfit Toys to whitewash the truth and hired a reverb flying lion to imprison the BAD TOYS on a remote arctic island?
What if one day a half-crazed prospector, a young reindeer and a renegade elf accidentally discovered this remote Guantanamo island? The reverb lion could tell them some bullshit story and report back to Santa that the jig was up. What would Santa do? I believe that In order to cover his ass, Santa told everyone that he was going to gather up the BAD TOYS and deliver them to the children of the world. But in reality that red-suited bastard picks the foggiest night he can find and drops the BAD TOYS one by one, into the sea. Think about it, we all know Santa doesn't use umbrellas. He comes down the chimbly, as every child has been taught. So now, instead of a kindly old Saint Nick delivering happiness, we are treated to a scene reminiscent of Gooodfellas, where Joe Pesci thinks he's getting 'made' but in reality is getting hit. I found it a real eye opener. I'll never watch that show in the same way again.
I have to watch Rudolph again and I don't want to. Anyone ever seen the pornographic version somebody did using the playset figures? I'd search for it and link it here but I don't want to get banned or have to put a sign in my yard.
I found it accidentally on some back alley website. It was done using a VHS camera and stop motion. Someone taped a dildo to Rudolph....There was also this disturbing scene that begins with Mrs. Claus saying "Eat Poppa, eat!" There was other stuff as well, best not to elaborate, for the sake of modesty.
I re-read this thread thinking it was new and man, every time I see that Tdarcos didn't make a Charlie Brown - comic strip - Bloom County - Portnoy joke I die a little more. I do like Bloom County and I am glad that Berkely is doing them again, but I can't follow along on Facebook, where he posts them. That hurts me. I wish I could not dislike Facebook enough to read his new comics.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:32 am
I re-read this thread thinking it was new and man, every time I see that Tdarcos didn't make a Charlie Brown - comic strip - Bloom County - Portnoy joke I die a little more. I do like Bloom County and I am glad that Berkely is doing them again, but I can't follow along on Facebook, where he posts them. That hurts me. I wish I could not dislike Facebook enough to read his new comics.
AArdvark wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:44 pm
I have to watch Rudolph again and I don't want to. Anyone ever seen the pornographic version somebody did using the playset figures?
AArdvark wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:44 pm
I have to watch Rudolph again and I don't want to. Anyone ever seen the pornographic version somebody did using the playset figures?
"I haven't seen this many sheets of white since the Klu Klux Klan hit town."
- The snowman, Rudolph the Five Legged Reindeer
Did... did you just quote the video in the link? Are there any other quotes from the EXACT THING that you are replying to that you'd like to regale us with?
Paul Robinson wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:57 pm
"I haven't seen this many sheets of white since the Klu Klux Klan hit town."
- The snowman, Rudolph the Five Legged Reindeer
Did... did you just quote the video in the link?
Yes, otherwise it might not have made sense, and what's the difference?
pinback wrote: Sun Dec 10, 2017 8:25 amAre there any other quotes from the EXACT THING that you are replying to that you'd like to regale us with?
No, because after about 5 more minutes I could no longer stomach watching it, it had gone from funny to disgusting, a practice I can think is performed on this board every so often.
While there is time
Let's go out and feel everything!
- Steve Winwood, The Finer Things
I didn't watch Rudolph again, yay! I did watch Charlie Brown and A Wish For Wings That Work.. and I threw Scrooged in the mix, just to round it out. I get a kick out of the IBM XT computers in the television control room. It gets too sappy at the end so I turned the sound off.