AArdvark wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:59 am
Commander, have you ever thought of running for asshole of the year?
How much is the prize award? I've since stopped bothering trying to win contests without a monetary award. As The Joker says in
The Dark Knight, "If you're good at something, never do it for free."
Besides that, 'Vark, if you can't take a little good-natured ribbing in the spirit was intended, then maybe you…
Wait a minute! The comment wasn't even directed to you, it was directed to a grown man who is fully capable of defending himself. What the fuck are you doing complaining about what I say to Flack, who clearly can take care of himself and fight his own battles? And does so, as the post following yours shows.
Besides, I'm not eligible for an asshole award, I have regular bouts of constipation, so mine doesn't really work all that well. If I was still having regular diarrhea, however…
AArdvark wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:59 am
Why you gotta be like that?
Besides that, have you forgotten I'm an invalid - a disabled man confined to a bed as effectively a quadriplegic - and lost a leg in the process? Have you no shame, sir, that you have nothing better to do than insult a bedridden amputee?
I think the correct response to you would be "Pot, kettle, black."