Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:18 pm
So this won't work. Oh, and in between when I did connect to the jailbreak server, I got kicked because I had a default player name for the q2pro client, since I hadn't set it.
Honestly? Fuck trying to use someone else's server. If Ben thought that Enceladus was a game that wanted to be played, this is the exact fucking opposite of that. Can you imagine trying to get 6 people putting up with this dumb shit?
Yeah sorry this is a pain for you man. I feel like I'm probably the biggest doom/quake/rtcw server and mod expert here and can generally lay out any solution for things in simple terms, but you have chosen a mod that is Windows only.
I'm actually still on the hook to get another Windows legacy server of sorts running; Tron 2.0 and will try to help us out for our own solution for Jailbreak before Friday. If anything, I can create the server then share the machine image with your AWS account so that you can launch Jailbreak at any time.
Man, I've spent hours making the server itself run properly in modern Linux-based systems. Mainly though because of just wanting everything my way. Here is the way my own server works running the "OSP Tournament" mod:
1. Railguns only. Damage increased to 999 for one shot kills.
2. No health or armor pick ups.
3. 10 minute time limit. No frag (kill) limit.
4. Only maps I created or custom maps others created that are my favorites are in the rotating map list. Either small and boxy like or wide ass open like a football field. I use one map that is a hockey rink that you can slide around in for example. Lack of intricate hallways and such makes for more of a fragfest.
5. No falling damage.
6. Laser "hooks". Players can bind mouse2 or whatever to a tracking beam laser that can grab any surface spiderman style to quickly dart around the arena.
7. Scoreboards! There are not many things cooler about playing an old competitive game like this and having a persistent score board which is displayed during every game intermission along with a few seconds of 8-bit WAV music.
I can fire it up too for the Quake II weekend! There are so many good mods for this game. Barely played Jailbreak so I would like to play it some more. I played it around the time I played some football mod where you moved a head from one end of the field to the other in Quake 1 I want to say.
Lithium II came close to providing what I mentioned above and I ran that for years but now it falls short.
"Rocket Arena II" was great if you had at least 8 players. You started out with 50 rockets and other gear with 1 life and it had Mortal Kombat sound clips.
"Action Quake 2" was another one that I really enjoyed. This one was more "realistic" in that it was made to simulate an action movie scene like cops VS inmates or swat VS terrorists. Cool falling damage math, bleeding and bandaging, and very deadly weapons. There was actually a Friday the 13th - Camp Blood map we played a lot as well as a few urban combat style maps.
"WOD (Weapons of Destruction)" Is another good one. However version 6 was the best one and I've never been able to find the server library for it either for Linux. It was great because you had all of these alternative types for each weapon. Rocket launcher had flaming rockets and tracing rockets. Grenade launcher had bazooka mode, a cluster bomb mode, and a napalm bomb mode!
"SOG (Some old Game)" Was weird but awesome. At one time it was straight up taken down by copyright or some BS but you can probably still find it around. It was more of a good SP mod but also had MP mode. In this game you played characters from and fought enemies from all of the Id Soft games Doom - Quake I.