In the spirit of being slightly less isolated, I'm going to (on hopefully at least a weekly basis) talk about whatever project I'm currently engaged in, though it'll be less a project management sheet and more just me ruminating on daily tasks and the art of not prioritizing them very well. To begin this venture in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE! - let's talk about why I've returned in the first place.
Pulling on my latent (hahaha) insecurities around all things, I read into it as "you haven't been part of any of my communities for at least four years. Go duck yourself Retro "Low Priority" Romper." Thus here I am!ICJ (due to understandable personal reasons during these, The End Times) declined (politely) to assist with a copy writing task for a non-profit I accidentally created.
Getting back to the point of this thread, channel, server, guild, base, whatever, here is a short rundown of my current insanity:
NOTE: I refuse to list sub projects because I already do that in Trello. How much self harm do you fuckers expect from me?
1. Covid-19 Knowledge Base
2. Hit Save! A Video Game History and Preservation non-profit.
3. Associate Producer on the Mother to Earth documentary
-- The title means nothing, as I asked for an official "position" because I volunteered to email everyone and anyone about getting their film distributed through a streaming channel and needed to be something besides "Mr. Rando Who Is Taking On Another Project They Shouldn't."
4. IT Contracting gig
-- Yes, I've had an actual job for quite a while now, but I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to fuck it up and have to explain why I'm suddenly around Discord more often.
That's the main jizz of it!
Please join me as I ruminate, explore, philosophize and dedicate way too much time to providing my thoughts to an uncaring Universe devoid of warmth.