RetroRomper wrote:
Are you kidding? Is this your "best" evidence that EVERYTHING the WHO is saying should be ignored? The accumulated knowledge of countries the world over should be completely written off because they had to play politics for five seconds, otherwise assuring one of their largest contributors would back out just when Trump said he was withdrawing all funding to the organization? They had to deal with the question of -
The World Health Organization wrote: "Is being right and morally correct, better than being able to directly assist with easing the discomfort, pain, and suffering including letting many of them live that wouldn't otherwise,the entirety of the human race, including the population of the country we had to exclude?"
Dude, the US maintained the One China Policy and skirted around the question since 1972, including never officially taking calls from their elected representatives, since then? 46 years? Nearly half a century?
Wikipedia Because I was Lazy wrote:The One-China Policy was first stated in the Shanghai Communiqué of 1972: "the United States acknowledges that Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States does not challenge that position."
Sure, the US has skittered around the question, but you're blaming the WHO for following what is international protocol adhered to by 179 out of 193 of it's member states? I'd bet the guy peaced out, because the question was so far above his pay grade and think of this: would you want to be the guy who lost hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to a world wide pandemic, that has killed 258,356 and has the potential to kill hundreds of millions if not a billion or more?
Seriously here, did you ever stop and think "why is this my opinion in the first place?"
Jizaboz wrote:Don’t you ever wonder about all the other shit hitting the fan while everyone is consumed with talk of Covid? Don’t you ever wonder if perhaps there is an ulterior motive with all of this? To me this will become ultimately more serious than the virus. I mean shit, have you ever seen Demolition Man? As stupid as that movie is you can definitely draw comparisons if you had.
Your statement is vague enough, that it could refer to the real cover for the POTUS and US government, to give billions in "stimulus" money to cronies. Or maybe one of the what feels like, tens of thousands of myths and conspiracy theories that have been debunked by instead of the WHO, the CDC?
The Center for Disease Control wrote: Fact: A worldwide online conspiracy theory has attempted to link 5G cell phone technology as being one of the causes of the coronavirus. Many cell towers outside of the U.S. have been set on fire as a result. 5G technology does NOT cause coronavirus.
Please tell me what exactly you're referring to.