Here in Liberty Township, OH, we have a NY-style pizza joint. It is not the best I've ever had, but it's top five, and there is absolutely no disagreeing with the fact that they offer a true NY-style pie. The pandemic closed them up for a while, but they reopened this week, and we are getting one tonight, so I am very excited.
Here is a pizza from Fratelli's Pizzeria, 6890 Tylersville Rd, West Chester Township, OH 45069. You will notice, it is a NY-style pizza:

For contrast, let me pick some random picture off the internet of something that is absolutely not a NY-style pizza. Okay, found one, from some place called "Jerry's Subs & Pizza", a local Maryland chain that apparently caters to the disabled:

You'll notice the subtle differences: The first pic is of a NY-style pizza, whereas the second pic is of a stanky wet fart someone dropped on a table.
Hopefully this post will serve to clarify matters. Thank you.