I would like, if I may, to point you all to Souffle of Pain's wonderful and highly-informative website, if I may.
http://www.ohmygodorlandobloomissogordi ... fpitty.com.
Oh, I'm sorry, it happens to be down at the moment. Why, that's just another fine example of SOP's l33t internet skilz!1!1111! Because his are beyond compare to Ben Pinback Parrishes! BEYOND COMPARE!
Yeah, seriously. That's the back of her head there in that picture. It *does* look pretty cool. I need to borrow Jason's Cue Cat and see if it really scans....
I can't believe that there are people here who take Worm seriously, and as a real person, but not me.
Why? WHY? Because he logs in 25% of the time? I don't want any of my personal information going into Jones' database, thank you very much, because I don't like that fucking guy. Is that so bad? That makes me a gimmick?
Debaser wrote:So... does her hair normally cover it up, or is it permanently visible?
Her hair covers it. Unless she needs chemo someday.
Debaser wrote:Also, when your wife told you she had to shave herself before she got the tatoo, were you disappointed to discover what she really meant?
Um. No. I knew she wouldn't shave *that*; she says it itches too much growing back in.
I like my tattoos, I don't think I'd ever get one on my skull, but more power to her. And as for grooming nether regions depnding on what topiary design she's doing a little bit of baby oil can help.