ICJ's photography thread

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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by AArdvark »

Will you use any of these models in an upcoming IF Game?

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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Tdarcos wrote: Sun May 17, 2020 12:59 am Is the cat - which is hard to see - also named Zork II, just like the program you're running on the screen next to it?

By the way, what are 'gels'? Usually it means pens with thicker ink for easier writing since it flows better. But we're talking digital photography here.

Again, Jonsey, you do such amazingly beautiful photographs, you overly talented son-of-a-bitch.
This is extremely supportive. You have been the most supportive person as I have taken this adventure on. Thank you.

Gels are transparent colored sheets that can be stuck in front of a flash or the camera itself to create the effect of colored lights.

(The cat is named Reggie.)

I appreciate the comment that the cat is hard to see, I was wondering if I should have edited the photo to bring him out a little more. I think I should!
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

AArdvark wrote: Sun May 17, 2020 4:18 am Will you use any of these models in an upcoming IF Game?
Oh there's models in an upcoming IF game all right.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Tdarcos »

I went back a page or two and saw where you mentioned you bought gels. I either didn't see it or forgot it.

Are they like colored celophane or more like colored sheet protectors, (in terms of the thickness of the plastic)? Are they a single sheet or is it called a gel because it has something in between sheets?

Were you serious when you said you appreciated how much I supported you? Sometimes you can be pulling my (nonexistent) leg so I'm not always sure if you're serious.

I mean, I see what you do and realize I don't think I could even come close to doing such amazing photos even if I had expensive equipment. To be abkle to see a talented photographer's work is quite an experience.

Here's something you might try to get simulated focus changes, and see how it works: put a piece of celophane with some Vaseline smeared on it in front of the lens. I've heard it can be useful for some aging effects.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Tdarcos wrote: Sun May 17, 2020 10:49 am Were you serious when you said you appreciated how much I supported you? Sometimes you can be pulling my (nonexistent) leg so I'm not always sure if you're serious.
I mean, I see what you do and realize I don't think I could even come close to doing such amazing photos even if I had expensive equipment. To be abkle to see a talented photographer's work is quite an experience.
I am completely serious. I am aware of where I am in terms of competency. I have had people ask if I put my work in places and I really don't, it's in this thread and that's it for the most part. When I started making text games I entered a culture of criticism - 95% of it has been good, fun, useful feedback but it's also caused people to act like pigs towards me and then I was forced to make the decision in my youth to escalate it or not. I also get feedback at work. I got "feedback" when I was learning to ride the motorcycle by falling off it. Etc. etc. The world can't wait to let a person know how they suck at things.

With photography I am doing it simply because it is enjoyable to operate the machine (the camera) to get the desired effect. But I'll readily admit that is a good feeling to see how nice about it all you have been and I thank you for that profusely.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Tdarcos »

Jonset, I don't say these things to butter you up (and also because I'm not into that sort of thing) but because your photos are so damn beautiful, they hurt. Well, not really, but I'm sure you know what I mean. That's why I referred to you as "an overly talented son of a bitch" because I both envy and admire your talent.

I could see it (without realizing it) from other people when I helped them with programming problems. One guy, had a problem, his program wouldn't even compile, it kept giving him an "unexpected end of file" error but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. I had him go about 1/2 way, put in a (fake) end of program and recompile. That worked; it tells me, the problem is in the other (lower) half. Split that half, do the insertion again (taking the old one out), try agai; still fails, the problem is above us, but below the previous 1/2 way point. I keep having him divide that segment in the program in smaller and smaller pieces, and we find it. He had left an open comment by accident, that wasn't closed.

He said, with amazement, that he had been trying for several hours to find the problem, and failed. Net time I took: five minutes. And I never even touched the keyboare, he typed in the changes as I told him (not laziness; I learned to have the person make the changes so they learn. I already know this stuff, my objective should be to get them to understand.) Oh, once he removed the spurious comment, his program compiled correctly.

So the point being is you can see when someone is very good, either by their actions (as I did for the other student) or by their results (as you've done here.)

And I can tell, your work is good, damn good.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by pinback »

Tdarcos wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:23 amSplit that half, do the insertion again
That's what she said.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Tdarcos »

pinback wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:58 am
Tdarcos wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 8:23 amSplit that half, do the insertion again
That's what she said.
ROFL (or on the bed, anyway). Well, not really rolling, but...

I guess I just left myself wide open for that one!
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Tdarcos »

And with that last one, Jonsey, you get a "meh." It's a picture of ground next to part of a gray porch, probably early morning or late afternoon. (I qualify it because it looks like a rural/remote area that may not have Internet and/or cell towers, and may or may not have been uploaded very soon after taking. If so, then it's early morning based on the time stamp of your message.)

This picture just doesn't seem to work for me the way your other photos do. Perhaps it's because it's mostly earth tone, or that there is nothing vibrant and alive in the picture.

I do not wish to hurt your feelings, but my praise to you is given when I see outstanding work. This one is not a bad picture per se, just ordinary. Just like with Flack, I want to encourage you when you go great work so you'll do more of it, and where it's not as good, say why, in hopes it makes you do better. I'm sure even Ansel Adams didn't always do fantastic work, we just never got to see the duds.

I realize it's the vibrant colors that made your pictures so significant. I looked back and realized it was either the bright, almost oversaturated colors such as Q-Bert, or the gel effects, or the simple image of a bright eyed and bushy tailed cat. Animals lend interest to a picture, as do lighting and color. Get the same picture just as dawn breaks over the horizon and it might be something really spectacular.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I lost my wedding ring somewhere in there so I'm just hoping people can help me find it!
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Billy Mays »

I bet if someone threw out a pork patty on the ground he'd be singing a different tune. It's a nice picture.

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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by uruzrune »

He'd be screeching like a not-baby bird whose parents are really sick of feeding this fat fuck

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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Tdarcos wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:27 am I do not wish to hurt your feelings, but my praise to you is given when I see outstanding work. This one is not a bad picture per se, just ordinary. Just like with Flack, I want to encourage you when you go great work so you'll do more of it, and where it's not as good, say why, in hopes it makes you do better. I'm sure even Ansel Adams didn't always do fantastic work, we just never got to see the duds.
It is not possible to hurt my feelings with words on a screen over the internet. I appreciate your candid thoughts on the matter, Commander.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Tdarcos »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:39 am I lost my wedding ring somewhere in there so I'm just hoping people can help me find it!
Oh, is that what it was? Yeah, I saw it, it was just to the right of the brown pebble.`
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Flack »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:11 am It is not possible to hurt my feelings with words on a screen over the internet. I appreciate your candid thoughts on the matter, Commander.
And with that last comment, Jonsey, you get a "meh." This comment just doesn't seem to work for me the way your other comments do. Perhaps it's because it's mostly relaxed tone, or that there is nothing vibrant and alive in the comment.

I do not wish to hurt your feelings, but my praise to you is given when I see outstanding work. This one is not a bad comment per se, just ordinary. Just like with Paul, I want to encourage you when you go great work so you'll do more of it, and where it's not as good, say why, in hopes it makes you do better. I'm sure even John Wayne Gacy didn't always do fantastic work, we just never got to see the duds.

I realize it's the vibrant language that made your comments so significant. I looked back and realized it was either the bright, almost oversaturated words such as fuck, or cumquat, or the simple usage of a bright eyed and bushy tailed verb. Words lend interest to a comment, as do phrasing and timing. Write the same comment just as dawn breaks over the horizon and it might be something really spectacular.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I'll kill you for this.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by uruzrune »

Is this the first official JC copypasta?

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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by pinback »

uruzrune wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:29 am Is this the first official JC copypasta?
I mean... first one today, sure.
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Re: ICJ's photography thread

Post by nessman »

I finally bought my first 'real' camera earlier this year before we took a 9-day trip to Arizona and Utah. Nikon D3500 DSLR with a 18-55mm zoom and 70-300mm zoom lens bundle for $600 at BestBuy. Beginner grade stuff, sure. Not photosnob stuff - but not a pocket point and shoot either.

But the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. I tend to shoot manual as much as practicable as the auto-exposure results can be wonky at times with wide ISO swings.

I also have a Google Pixel 3XL and the camera is pretty impressive. I can see why it's hard to justify having a camera at all. But you're still limited to a tiny sensor and lens - digital zoom is just horrid.

Pictures from the trip can be found here and both cameras did a pretty good job. Most of these pictures got some post-processing in either Irfanview or Google Photos as the RAW pictures straight out of the camera were flat and uninteresting... you can get some limited EXIF data on most of the pictures if you click on the little info icon...

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