WHY THE FUCK IS YOUR ICE CREAM SO SHITTY IT HAS FUCKING ICE CRYSTALS!?!?!?!Wise Old Woman wrote:My ice cream is icy. This is probably the most common problem with home made ice cream. And it's caused by large ice crystals forming in the mixture as it freezes. Large ice crystals are usually the result of either too much water in the mix or excessively long freezing time.
In the ASS wrote:Breyers has been making ice cream since 1866, but if you look closely, ice cream isn't ice cream anymore. It's frozen dairy dessert. ... The change in name is because Breyers changed the ingredients and legally they can no longer call their product ice cream.
LOATHE everyone... Everything. My. Fucking. God. Damn. It.Kill me... Please.. wrote:In order to qualify as ice cream, a product must meet two criteria:
1. Ice cream must contain a minimum of 10% dairy milkfat.
2. Ice cream must have no more than 100% overrun and weigh no less than 4.5 lbs. per gallon.
But what the heck is "overrun," you ask? Well, overrun is the amount of air that is whipped into the ice cream base during freezing and is usually presented by a percentage. For example, with 100% overrun, for every gallon of ice cream base you would wind up with 2 gallons of finished ice cream.