Tsk, tsk, tsk. That was uncalled for. I sometimes have disagreements with other people, and I never resort to namecalling. I think you can do better than that.The Happiness Engine wrote: Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:40 am UTC is what computers run on. Sorry you're (still) a complete retard, but now we now you also can't do simple math!
Tsk, tsk, tsk. You can do better than that! Stooping to personal insults just because someone else did makes you look petty. It would also have given you the moral high ground if you had resisted getting into the mud with him.
UTC is EST+5 or EDT+4 during daylight savings, but I'm not sure where you're getting UTC from, this BBS shows timestamps as CST, EST-1 or UTC-6 (at least, that's what I see.) It's 5:57 PM on the east coast, posting time stamp for this message says 4:57.
If you're getting UTC for postings, you should be able to change this. (1) Click on the dropdown in the upper right corner of the page. (2) Click on "User Control Panel". (3) Click on "board preferences". (4) Scroll down to "My timezone". (5) Change that dropdown from UTC to UTC-5 for Eastern, UTC-6 for central, UTC-7 for Mountain, UTC-8 Pacific, do the same for the drop down following it, then click "Save" at the bottom.
Of course, the time stamp feature could, like the search function, be yet another part of this BBS that's borken.