pinback wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:54 pm
The only two people here with confirmed eating disorders are 1) the only guy to ever get banned, and 2) the one who... you know, has more pressing mental issues to deal with.
I am insulted by your not recognizing my manorexia (it's in the DSM V)
No, I am unable to adjust to a normal eating schedule. Every 0.1 pound back on the scale enrages me. Sneaking an extra apple feels like a fattening failure. My wife has suggested I'm acting like an anorexic, and though I'm certainly well within (and near the top of) the bounds of what the charts say is "normal" for my height, it's hard to argue.
This has to end somehow. I figured when I hit 200, I'd be the happiest camper in town, ordering double-cheese-pies by the dozen. Then I hit 190, past my original goal, and then 180, WELL past my original goal. This has been an unmitigated success, and I still cannot bring myself to put food into my mouth unless I'm almost forced to.
At 180lbs, you should be able to maintain that weight with 1,800 calories a day. That's 18 apples a day, buddy! You won the race, you did it! You beat us all. Don't beat us to the grave.
I didn't realize you were referring to your weight; I thought you were quoting to him the applicable sections of the DSM V! Then I couldn't figure out why I could not find them.
"Baby, I was afraid before
I'm not afraid, any more."
- Belinda Carlisle, Heaven Is A Place On Earth
The Mayo Clinic website lists physical and behavioral symptoms of anorexia. I don't have any of the physical symptoms, probably because I'm at a normal weight for my height. But let's check the behavioral symptoms for red flags, and I''ll be completely open and honest with you fine folks here, because you deserve that sort of honesty:
Severely restricting food intake through dieting or fasting
Exercising excessively
Yes, until my knee blew out.
Bingeing and self-induced vomiting to get rid of food, which may include the use of laxatives, enemas, diet aids or herbal products
No bingeing/vomiting, but I have been using laxatives "recreationally", to get things outta there as quickly as possible.
Preoccupation with food, which sometimes includes cooking elaborate meals for others but not eating them
Preoccupied, yes, cooking without eating it, rarely.
Frequently skipping meals or refusing to eat
Of course.
Denial of hunger or making excuses for not eating
Almost constantly.
Eating only a few certain "safe" foods, usually those low in fat and calories
Unless I'm forced to due to social reasons, yes.
Adopting rigid meal or eating rituals, such as spitting food out after chewing
Not wanting to eat in public
No, other than not wanting to go to restaurants because it's hard to find super-low-calorie stuff there.
Lying about how much food has been eaten
Fear of gaining weight that may include repeated weighing or measuring the body
110%. I'm on the scale multiple times a day, almost every time I pass by it, just to check. I've made a little game out of guessing down to the tenth of a pound where I am at that point in the day, and have gotten pretty good at it.
Frequent checking in the mirror for perceived flaws
Not checking for flaws necessarily, just seeing how things are going.
Complaining about being fat or having parts of the body that are fat
Only "jokingly" when Kathy says I look gaunt and sickly.
Covering up in layers of clothing
Hell no, that's one of the few joys I've taken from this, wearing smaller, lighter clothing.
Flat mood (lack of emotion)
Well, yes, but that's just normal.
Social withdrawal
See above.
That's what the nicotine gum is for.
A little bit, but that's what the Benadryl is for.
Maintenance Report
My wife hid the scale, so I'm unable to track it anymore. I still feel the compulsion to check it every few minutes, and have even scoured the house looking for it once or twice (or three times). I know I'm up from my lowest due to the vacation last weekend, and the ensuing week, but not sure how much. I'm guessing five pounds. I still feel dirty when I eat anything.
But simple guidelines must be established for me to get over this psychological torture. Here it is:
I will wear my Ted's of Beverly Hills shirt once per week. As long as I still fit comfortably into size 34 pants, and comfortably into the Ted's of Beverly Hills shirt, I can deal with that. I'm okay with that.
Today is Ted's day. Everything's cozy. Good enough.
I won't be mad if you pick a different one. If you'd like me to upload something let me know. Rick Lemming will hopefully one day be a classic IF character. I'm just glad you can no longer essentially portray him.
Did you have the cool thin guy glasses when you were a fat guy or did you get them after the weight loss? It's always funny seeing a fat guy in cool thin guy glasses.
Those are "readers" which my wife bought me this past Christmas as a joke because I was getting old, but then I put them on and realized holy crap I can read things again.