Went on a nature walk thing at treetop level. Interesting but not overly informative. We learned that some Adirondack towns are economically depressed. Also, there was a donut stand in a laundromat. One corner of a laundromat had.been turned into a donut shop, and that was a big tourist draw for that town. No pix, I didn't want to embarrass them. Donuts were ok.
Casual Observer wrote: Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:43 pm
BTW @California, now that my job is permanently virtual I'm bugging out of here like they did in Mash. I aint gonna be "going back to Cali"
Where do you think you'll end up? NY or elsewhere? I do have some concerns that jobs that seem like they'll be permanently virtual might suddenly start to require some meatspace appearances after Covid is over. Remote work will win in the long run, but there's still a lot of resistance and a lot of managers who want it not to work out.
Oh yeah, and to keep this on-topic...that sucks about the rain, Vark!
Went hiking in Ausable today. Nice place even though they privatized nature. Letchworth and Watkins Glen are just as good and they belong to all of us New Yorkers. Still, it's nice there.
Friday, ready to go back home. A week away is about the most vacation I can stand. Next week is paint the house foundation, something I've been looking forward to for a few months now. Been saving up all Flack's podcasts plus a few others. Should be a good time
I just read this. The owners of our rental mentioned something about this but I really wasn't listening at the time. This is some hippy-dippy stuff, like we saw in Arizona. They charge a goodly sum for forest bathing too, why do we always get the wackos