Look who's talking. That's a little on the nasty side. You personally, have admitted you "fell off the wagon" and resumed drinking (alcoholic beverages). Whether that's once or more I neither know nor care. Some addictions can require multiple failures to recur, some only one, and I do not know which it is in your case. What I do know is, you've admitted that alcoholism drove you into a spiral of deception: to your wife, your friends, and ultimately to yourself. I noticed your somewhat bad behavior when I made a mistake about Helen Reddy being in Airplane! and you went on a full-blown sarcastic mode that probably took longer to find that buzzer sound than it would have taken 10 seconds (as I did) to go on IMDB and be able to point out it was Maureen McGovern I was thinking of. BTW, I now know why I had her confused, Helen Reddy did play the singing nun in Airport 1975 which Airplane! parodied. And I had, in fact, seen both/i] movies.pinback wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 10:27 amDo you need any help compiling all of those incidents together so you can mass-paste them in a thread later like a psychopath?Billy Mays wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:36 am As someone who has been the recipient of pinback's vicious attacks in the past, I have to tentatively side with Retro on this one.
Right now this fight between you and Retro seems to be looking more and more like two kiddies in a mud puddle throwing mud at he other and then pointing out how dirty the other one is.