Well, best fighting game, anyway. CVS manages to stay even with Next Dimention and MK: Deadly Alliance, and they're *PS2* games. I can't *wait* until I manage to get ahold of CVS2.
There are different verisons? I don't know what you mean. I played it on the PS1, if that's what you're asking. Haven't played SC2 or GG, so you may be right on that.
Well, I've owned the Dreamcast one and the one for Xbox (which kicks ass, being online and all)... pretty sure there's a shitload of other versions floating around.
Are you sure that the Xbox version is actualy CVS? Having not checked anything yet, I'd think that the 128-bit systems would be for CVS2 rather than the original one. But that's what I need to check anyway.
Well, I will be buying CVS2 today, and should be playing it in a week and a half, once I get access to my PS2 again. I will then be working tirelessly to ensure that I can whoop everyone in town with nothing but the all-powerful unstopable might of Dan Habiki, Sakura Casagano, King, andd Athena Assamaia. Cower in terrorrr!!!