I was going to take a picture of the 4-player one I traded the 2-player one for a bit. But the electricity had died to my garage. And I wasn't even DOING nothing. So I'm going to get an electrician.
But - Jiz, any thoughts on where people are getting simple push buttons these days? I think I may try to go over the top and get light up LED buttons because I hate my life.
Note that you will need to get the microswitches separately if you need them from the same place. I replaced all of the buttons and switches in the Taito cabinet and it was much more fun and reliable. I am pretty sure our friend Chopper referred me to these.
Did you ever get your controls replaced or whatever? Will probably play some of this again this weekend while I tinker with my arcade games. I really can never decide who my favorite character is in this game. I usually always start with Nightcrawler assuming whomever is playing with me wants to be Colossus or Wolverine.
Jizaboz wrote: Sun Dec 06, 2020 10:38 pm
So have you beat X-Men on a dollar yet, ICJ?
Looking forward to playing this one again once I get the width right on the k7000 in my Taito cab with the Arpicade.
Ohhhhhhhhh I can tell you I shall never beat it on that little money! But it's been great. It's modern enough where I feel ok turning it on even though it's winter. So the nephews have played it a bunch with me, and it's such a great game in that context.
Jizaboz wrote: Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:47 pm
Did you ever get your controls replaced or whatever? Will probably play some of this again this weekend while I tinker with my arcade games. I really can never decide who my favorite character is in this game. I usually always start with Nightcrawler assuming whomever is playing with me wants to be Colossus or Wolverine.
I haven't, kind of waiting for it to warm up. The Mr. Do! is at three years broken and that taken a lot of my repair sails. But I want to hook up something for better credits. Right now putting quarters into the four slots is dodgy. So I want to get new buttons in and make some device that is hooked to the 4 coin up leads so that's easier.
Since these become historical threads - the monitor blew yesterday on X-Men! The tech in town is coming out on the 28th to take a look. I don't like working on monitors! I've too much to live for!
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:03 pm
Since these become historical threads - the monitor blew yesterday on X-Men! The tech in town is coming out on the 28th to take a look. I don't like working on monitors! I've too much to live for!
Damn! Hopefully it is something “simple” like an old fly back transformer finally cracked.
I actually prefer working on CRT monitors over most game PCBs any day! The WG brand boards themselves are very forgiving as far as replacing caps and other parts. Very durable. You just have to be cautious to not shock yourself removing the pcb, or cross a wire when plugging things back up.
Wondering if you guys have an idea for the following:
There is no free play mode for X-Men. Additionally, while you can select any available character at any of the four joystick "stations," the game ties a quarter being inserted to a particular spot.
What this means is that the four people going left to right have to coin up in the coin mech available to them. The mechs are all broken on my X-Men, but I don't like going that route anyway.
Is there a small board you guys know of that can take inputs and send them to four buttons? I'd like to have something wired on top of the game or whatnot that just lets someone hit four buttons next to each other to coin up the game. I can make something fairly easily, but I am not the first person to need something like this, so I wonder if there's a solution for it that people know about that I do not.
The wires that go to the credit microswitchs can be run to four buttons on the console. I did something similar to my jukebox, only to the coin return button. Press the coin return plunger and you get three plays for a (non-existent) quarter.
Yup, Aardvark has it. Basically, you could run 2 wires that would go to a credit switch in a coin mech to a microswitch button. I don't know of any other trick..