I don’t care about you

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I don’t care about you

Post by Jizaboz »

Saw an older dude on a motorized razor scooter with groceries hanging from his handlebars wipe out right beside me onto the sidewalk today. He took a hard wobble, then BAM down he went to his elbows.

Thought about at least stopping and asking if he was OK but then wondered if I would be blamed since I am the closest one to him in a vehicle.

Drove off while the guy still laid in the same, defeated position.
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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by Jizaboz »

I also had 2 people nearly(?) die in my front yard a couple weeks ago from a car accident. Didn’t go outside. People showed up faster than I even would have put on my shoes anyway.

Obviously we would all go out of our way for each other but fuck a stupid rando.

“But if you were in that situation and..” nah sorry.. won’t be doing that sort of thing with the stupid scooter. The car accident was due to both someone not paying attention and the other one speeding. That’ll do it.
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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by Jizaboz »

Doing last Xmas shopping today. While standing in a long line, the woman in front of me is sitting on her cart while complaining about her back and a million other things. She keeps talking to the girls in front of her and herself. She starts grabbing more items within her reach and talking erratically.

Then, for some reason she turns to me and asks "Don't they have anubber tshhtang around here?" and all I could do is shrug.

Then she proceeded to leave the line, her cart, and the store.
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Casual Observer
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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by Casual Observer »

I have mixed feelings about this. In general I can't stand people, don't want to be around them but on the other hand I seem to believe in the concept of karma. So when the obviously poor guy ahead of me in line doesn't have enough for his <whatever cheap thing> I'll sometimes offer to pay for it. Is it also selfish because I don't have to stand there and wait for him to scrounge his pockets for pennies (same goes for grannies with the damn change purse).

If someone had a serious accident in my front yard I would call 911 but I don't think I could stand to help out in person because . . . blood, eww. When the pandemic first hit I always hit the yes to the donate to families question at the checkout but I now have pandemic donation fatigue and haven't donated directly to food banks or anything. The other day at CVS there was a homeless guy asking for money and I'm like "i don't carry cash, what are you trying to get". He said "some chocolate, maybe the reeses that is on sale", so I got him some (put it on the ground six feet away and backed away like he was some kind of leper). Of course I do the donations to the homeless missions, ASPCA, and some organization that lets me sponsor sending chickens to poor Africans but its the one-on-one help that feels best from a karma standpoint as long as I can walk away without really talking to them.

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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by Jizaboz »

Yeah, you know it's weird. I generally try be really nice to strangers and people that work at stores and stuff, and also have done like you mentioned and randomly donated change and cigarettes to homeless people. Open doors for people. That sort of thing.

Must have something to do with "Well damn, now you're complicating things."
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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by Casual Observer »

Opening doors for people seems to be one way to always get a thank you. I'll let people with just a few items go ahead of me in line, they always are very thankful about that. I'm always up to give someone a jumpstart if it's convenient, now I carry a starter charger with me at all times for such an occasion. However, I've now stopped letting people know that their tail/breaklight is out because they never seem very thankful, they'll often grumble or groan even though I may have just saved them from getting pulled over. If people want me to be helpful then they need to be appreciative.

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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by Jizaboz »

Casual Observer wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 2:53 pm However, I've now stopped letting people know that their tail/breaklight is out because they never seem very thankful, they'll often grumble or groan even though I may have just saved them from getting pulled over. If people want me to be helpful then they need to be appreciative.
Ha! It can be weird though. I was going back to my car after getting groceries when I hear "Hey sir!"

Now normally, that phrase makes me take off like a rocket. But I turn around to see this older dude and said "Hey, man." because I felt some kinda vibe. Then he says..

"One of yo tires look flat.."

I say "nuh-uh!" and quickly dart around to look and say "Woah, I must have ran over a nail or something. Thanks, man!"

He then gave me the least enthusiastic "uh-huh" I have ever heard. heh.
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Casual Observer
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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by Casual Observer »

Jizaboz wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:57 pm
Casual Observer wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 2:53 pm However, I've now stopped letting people know that their tail/breaklight is out because they never seem very thankful, they'll often grumble or groan even though I may have just saved them from getting pulled over. If people want me to be helpful then they need to be appreciative.
Ha! It can be weird though. I was going back to my car after getting groceries when I hear "Hey sir!"

Now normally, that phrase makes me take off like a rocket. But I turn around to see this older dude and said "Hey, man." because I felt some kinda vibe. Then he says..

"One of yo tires look flat.."

I say "nuh-uh!" and quickly dart around to look and say "Woah, I must have ran over a nail or something. Thanks, man!"

He then gave me the least enthusiastic "uh-huh" I have ever heard. heh.
Yeah, see, I can empathize with not wanting that kind of news because I've been there and: I already fucking knew that my tire was losing air. If you have a tire losing air, you don't need a stranger to tell you what you already know. You've known for days or weeks most likely. You already are thinking about how long you can wait before you have to shove another 4 quarters in a gas station air pump to get back home and have enough to get to another station tomorrow on the way to work. Bottom line, 99% of people who have a flatish tire already know about it so I don't bother mentioning it to them at all.

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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by Jizaboz »

Casual Observer wrote: Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:12 am
Jizaboz wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:57 pm
Casual Observer wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 2:53 pm However, I've now stopped letting people know that their tail/breaklight is out because they never seem very thankful, they'll often grumble or groan even though I may have just saved them from getting pulled over. If people want me to be helpful then they need to be appreciative.
Ha! It can be weird though. I was going back to my car after getting groceries when I hear "Hey sir!"

Now normally, that phrase makes me take off like a rocket. But I turn around to see this older dude and said "Hey, man." because I felt some kinda vibe. Then he says..

"One of yo tires look flat.."

I say "nuh-uh!" and quickly dart around to look and say "Woah, I must have ran over a nail or something. Thanks, man!"

He then gave me the least enthusiastic "uh-huh" I have ever heard. heh.
Yeah, see, I can empathize with not wanting that kind of news because I've been there and: I already fucking knew that my tire was losing air. If you have a tire losing air, you don't need a stranger to tell you what you already know. You've known for days or weeks most likely. You already are thinking about how long you can wait before you have to shove another 4 quarters in a gas station air pump to get back home and have enough to get to another station tomorrow on the way to work. Bottom line, 99% of people who have a flatish tire already know about it so I don't bother mentioning it to them at all.
Apparently I should have paid closer attention. Though it was odd.. I knew one looked a little low but he pointed out another one that was FLAT flat. Thinking it had to have happened on the way or something. Ended up having to get plugs in 2 tires.

The funniest occasion of this I can recall was riding around with this idiot I went to HS with that had a really strong southern accent. We roll up on these older dude and his wife that is practically driving on the rim. He gets beside them and has me roll down the window so that he can yell "HEY MAN!! HEY!!" The old man slowly rolls down his window; trembling and giving us this terrified look. Old man then just nodded quickly and looked away after the guy beside me yells "YOU GOTTA FLAT TAR, MAN! YOU GOTT A FLAT TAR!" I nearly died laughing as the dude took off even faster.. sparks flying lol
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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Casual Observer wrote: Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:12 am
Jizaboz wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:57 pm
Casual Observer wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 2:53 pm However, I've now stopped letting people know that their tail/breaklight is out because they never seem very thankful, they'll often grumble or groan even though I may have just saved them from getting pulled over. If people want me to be helpful then they need to be appreciative.
Ha! It can be weird though. I was going back to my car after getting groceries when I hear "Hey sir!"

Now normally, that phrase makes me take off like a rocket. But I turn around to see this older dude and said "Hey, man." because I felt some kinda vibe. Then he says..

"One of yo tires look flat.."

I say "nuh-uh!" and quickly dart around to look and say "Woah, I must have ran over a nail or something. Thanks, man!"

He then gave me the least enthusiastic "uh-huh" I have ever heard. heh.
Yeah, see, I can empathize with not wanting that kind of news because I've been there and: I already fucking knew that my tire was losing air. If you have a tire losing air, you don't need a stranger to tell you what you already know. You've known for days or weeks most likely. You already are thinking about how long you can wait before you have to shove another 4 quarters in a gas station air pump to get back home and have enough to get to another station tomorrow on the way to work. Bottom line, 99% of people who have a flatish tire already know about it so I don't bother mentioning it to them at all.
When I was first driving, I was going to community college in the snow and ice on 390 and slipped and bonked the guard rail and came back into my lane. One of the tires was all fucked up. I took it off the highway and because MCC is so close just drove it there. The last thing that was going to happen was me pulling over on a winter day in Rochester on the highway.

I go to my classes and try to drive it to a mechanic. Not on the highway, on regular roads that have two lanes. Fucking EVERYONE is frantically trying to get my attention like I didn't know. I called my dad to ask him what on earth I should do. He came out and we swapped cars.

I was driving behind him. Nobody told him the tire was screwed up.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: I don’t care about you

Post by AArdvark »

Randos think you're pointing out their flaws when you are only trying to help, that's why they get all huffed up.


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