The American Adjunct Lager Thread

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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by pinback »

There is no such thing as "malt liquor". There are high-alcohol, cheaply made beers with the label "malt liquor" slapped onto the label. Steel Reserve is as much a "malt liquor" as Colt 45, Old English 800, or any the rest of that swill.
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by Billy Mays »

pinback wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 5:37 amThere is no such thing as "malt liquor".
It's funny that you would mention that because here is a government document that says otherwise:

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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by pinback »

Malt Liquor is a style of beer. Steel Reserve is a quintessential example of that style, even if they don't use the marketing term "malt liquor".

It's just beer. It's bad beer that gets you drunk fast. I'm a fan, believe me. I've had my share of Steel Reserve 40s. But saying "I've never had malt liquor" is a ridiculous thing for you to say, like there's something magically different between "malt liquor" and "cheap beer with high alcohol content".
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by Billy Mays »

pinback wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:02 amI've had my share of Steel Reserve 40s.

Have you even smashed a 40oz bottle against something to emphasize a point or settle a dispute?

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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

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No, but at the moment, I'm considering it.
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by The Happiness Engine »

I apologize to Beck's for my ill-considered words, but I think swapping that word out for anything correct would not detract from my points.

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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by Billy Mays »

I meant to write "have you ever" and not "have you even", since I was trying to be inquisitive and not condescending, but failed to catch the mistake in time to change it.

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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by pinback »

Ohio Price: $13/18
ABV: 4.8%

Apparently when I wasn't watching, PBR became a "thing" with the hipsters. I don't know if this is still a thing, but in any case, it is one more knock against that horrid group of people, because PBR is signficantly worse than everything else on this list, even the unacceptable Budweiser. When Bud has virtually no taste at all, PBR presents a cloying sweetness with absolutely no hop profile present, resulting in what I can only describe as a nauseating sourness. Really, really bad. You suck, hipsters!

Ohio Price: $19/30
ABV: 4.6%

Of the "big names" on this list, the clear winner by a wide margin. A touch of sweetness (which is more evident as it warms -- pro-tip, drink it before it warms) but with enough of a faint hop backbone to present enough balance to avoid the issues with PBR. If none of the smaller names on the list (Hamm's, 'Gansett) are available, this one will be, and at this point in my investigation, is clearly the right choice. I mean, Da Mayor knows what he's talking about:

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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by pinback »

Also, I object to the notion that this thread devalues my inspirational story of 2020. To the contrary, I think it makes me even more inspiring, that I am still able to maintain (and even continue to lose) weight, while still enjoying delicious adult beverages in relative moderation.
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by Tdarcos »

What is the worst beer there is? You come to a gutted, looted store, and the only thing left in that store are the cases of beer that even looters won't take!
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by Jizaboz »

Tdarcos wrote: Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:42 pm What is the worst beer there is? You come to a gutted, looted store, and the only thing left in that store are the cases of beer that even looters won't take!
I have never had it, but I have heard the answer is Hamm's

For me personally I would say Miller High Life. I used to drink it some in my 20s.. until I thew up after having too many. You think it tastes bad going down? Miller High Life tastes sooo bad coming back up. Never again.
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by pinback »

Hamm's is clearly the best of all the ones I've listed. No kidding. If you like actual beer, which it is not, but it's as close as you can get from this list.
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by pinback »

My favorite meal, a nice, juicy...

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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by Jizaboz »

Whenever a beer brand (Like Coors) uses their WATER as a selling point for the beer then it always makes me cautious.
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by pinback »

Alright, here's the final score:

1. Hamm's is the best regular AAL.
2. Miller Lite is the best "light" AAL.

That is the end of this thread. BEST OF.
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by pinback »

Quality participation as always, THE.
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by The Happiness Engine »

You get back what you put into it.

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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by pinback »

What are your favorite American Adjunct Lagers and American Adjunct Light Lagers? Let's have a conversation!
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Re: The American Adjunct Lager Thread

Post by Jizaboz »

1. Budweiser. All of the 1980s advertising I saw as a kid must have brain-washed me, but I still consider this the official king of American mass-produced beer. Does not destroy my stomach or instantly give me a headache as some complain of. Packs a good buzz after 6+ The flavor has very slightly changed over the years IMO. Dad agrees it recently is better than it was for a few years past. Bud Light is just watered-down Bud I would rather avoid that unless I'm wolfing down buffalo wings or pizza with beers.

2. Pabst Blue Ribbon. Parents like(d) it. Skateboarder friends usually all like it. As long as it is cold, it is pretty damn refreshing on a hot day. The only downside is when it starts to get room-temp it tastes awful and it does not pack much of a buzz.

3. Miller Lite. Was intro'd to this my first trip to Chicago. It was very popular there for some reason. A bit watery but not as bad as the Bud Lite. Packs an OK buzz. Easy on the stomach. Reminds me of drinking pitchers of it in a bar with my girlfriend and friends for the first time.
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