She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
Shit, if i had the money I'd buy it, take the hot sauce recipe and start food trucks across the country and park em outside bars every night, I'd make bank.
Well, anytime he wants to figure out how to ship four of them to another state he can feel free. $25 a pop plus shipping, I'm in. Also, maybe now is the time to think about whether or not your location is a post-irony shithole where people fear for their safety. Loafergirl told a story earlier in this thread where her friend got told to fuck off on New Year's. Charming, but people remember that shit.
Casual Observer wrote: Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:47 am
Shit, if i had the money I'd buy it, take the hot sauce recipe and start food trucks across the country and park em outside bars every night, I'd make bank.
Seriously. They've never had to compete and the first time they might have to they are whining to the press. Hope someone like you, who is good at sales, gets a chance to buy them out.
pinback wrote: Sat Feb 13, 2021 1:57 pm
Man, what's worse, Rochester calling that stuff "hot sauce" or Cincinnati calling that stuff "chili".
Good point. I would refer to it as "meat sauce." If it were me. If I were there? If I were there, things would go very differently. I would call it meat sauce.
I have only ever had them in one style. Two cheeseburgers, mac salad and home fries. I got them without onions in the early 90s, but like onions now so I don't say anything.
Are you the kind of FELLER that mixes it up, Vark, or is it the same each time?
I eat some gross ass shit but you guys still ain’t convincing me on this garbage plate thing much aside from the one that had what looked like chili and Mac/chz.