However, when I noticed the game recently went on sale on Steam for 5.99 I also noticed the Steam ratings were actually very positive and the game was recommended to me based on other games I'd played. So, I decided to bite the bullet (heh-heh) and give the game a try.

You play as a dude that hates people and the world that always wanted to die a violent death. The main object of the game is killing innocent people in the most effective way possible, while cowardly using shoot and run techniques on the cops that intervene. One day you decide to just wipe your own neighborhood, and things obviously escalate from there. The game control style is almost identical to Hotline Miami. However, you do have more of a range of options here such as driving cars on a much more open map. Also, you have "execution moves" Basically, if you see someone in the main view of the game that isn't quite dead you move over them and hit Q or whatever key assigned for execution. You then get a brief cutscene dynamically generated at wherever location you are of you finishing the victim off as they beg for mercy.

Many times as this is done, your protagonist says things like "Fuck you..", "Shut the fuck up and die.", "Fucking worthless.", "Pathetic." in a Duke Nukem style voice. This is extremely satisfying, especially if they were dumb enough to shoot at you.
There are no healing items. Instead, you must perform executions to get lifeforce flowing in you again. This can get tricky when you have like 8 people mowing you down while trying not to completely kill someone near you so you can get a finishing move off. While you can't save your game at any point, I don't think that would work well in this game anyway. Plus, respawning after dying doesn't force you to do as much all over again like it did in the Hotline Miami games. You actually have to earn your respawns via reaching checkpoints of sorts (these checkpoints range from doing things like taking out everyone at a funeral procession to killing a group of redneck deer hunters that saw commotion and target you).
I'm now 2.5 hours into it and really enjoying it. As far as the moral element goes.. I mean, yeah I can see some complaint as we really don't have that many games where you play such a dark protagonist without a ton of fantasy element bullshit. The soundtrack is empty, droning, and I could see where it could make people feel uneasy. Some people will hear the pleas of the victims and laugh, others would feel sick to their stomach. However, when you look at games like GTAV and such it's not as if elements of all of this have never been done before.. but this is a first for actually putting those elements together properly to touch nerves.
Based on the first few levels, "Hatred" is getting a 8.5 out 10 stars from me.
P.S. Plz don't tell the cops about the drugged guy I have in the basement.