pinback wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 2:30 pm
How much weight have you lost on low-carb, fatso?
Wow. Just wow. You are some kind of asshole. So much for this allegedly being a friendly place. Why can't you be as nice as ICJ and Tdarcos?
You have mental health issues with your weight. Don't take them out on me.
And you are extremely annoying, which is why I try to avoid even addressing you. No one fucking cares for your rant about how you are right and everyone else is wrong about carbohydrates.
Also, while SOME of us here may have mental issues, I can assure you Pinback does not.
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:45 pm
[Also, while SOME of us here may have mental issues, I can assure you Pinback does not.
Really? How do you know? On what do you base your assurance? Are you his shrink?
It's been my life experience that people who purposely go out of their way to be that rude,arrogant, and insulting have deep seated mental issues they are trying to cover up with false bravado. They tend to be bitter, miserable people, and since I have yet to see Pinback say anything even remotely nice or positive here, the evidence shows i am right.
I'd grab some popcorn to watch the rest of this conversation but Tubby here would probably steal it and pour a pint of melted butter on top of it. (No carbs!)
Jizaboz wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:45 pm
No one fucking cares
No one? Really? Did you ask EVERYONE? And they all gave you permission to speak on their behalf?
I always fund it so amusing the number of morons who claim to speak for people other than themselves, trying to support thir bullshit opinions with fake social proofing.
pinback wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:05 pm
I'd grab some popcorn to watch the rest of this conversation but Tubby here would probably steal it and pour a pint of melted butter on top of it. (No carbs!)
You're trying to get a rise out of me. It won't work. I stopped caring what random people on the internet said a long time ago. Go troll somewhere else. I truly and honestly pity you.
pinback wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 2:30 pm
How much weight have you lost on low-carb, fatso?
Wow. Just wow. You are some kind of asshole. So much for this allegedly being a friendly place. Why can't you be as nice as ICJ and Tdarcos?
You have mental health issues with your weight. Don't take them out on me.
To be fair, pinback isn't always like this. He's just very sensitive when it comes to criticism of WebMD. No one likes to see their primary care provider dragged through the mud.
Also, you've only seen ICQ and Tdarcos at their best so far which is admittedly their natural and most common state. Still, try telling ICJ you don't appreciate the artistic genius of Knight Orc or tell Tdarcos Jerry's pizza falls somewhere short of culinary perfection. You will then see the BEAST emerge. Honestly, trashing Knight Orc to Tdarcos or Jerry's to ICJ might not go over well either. This place is a minefield I tell you.
pinback wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:15 pm
There's no way this isn't Finsternis. There can't be two people this oblivious, awkward, wrong, and fat about everything.
I don't think she's fat. And everything she said about WebMD was right - they are acting (WebMD is acting) like ketosis is something to be avoided. How much sense does that make? I'll tell you!
pinback wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:15 pm
There's no way this isn't Finsternis. There can't be two people this oblivious, awkward, wrong, and fat about everything.
I don't think she's fat. And everything she said about WebMD was right - they are acting (WebMD is acting) like ketosis is something to be avoided. How much sense does that make? I'll tell you!
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 3:52 pm
I don't think she's fat. And everything she said about WebMD was right - they are acting (WebMD is acting) like ketosis is something to be avoided. How much sense does that make? I'll tell you! None!!
Like most zealots, Pinback doesn't know the first thing about the topic at hand. If he did, he'd know that millions of people eat keto NOT as a weight loss method, but because it's the single best treatment for diabetes there is. The world is full of diabetics ditching their insulin and other diabetes meds because they are controlling their blood sugar with excellent carb control.
I don't know what bug Pinback has up his ass about me. I don't know who he thinks I am. Laughing at his troll attempts was one thing, but now that he's moved directly into flat-out abuse, this is much less fun. Which is sad, because most of you are cool and this seemed like a safe space. But with all the venom spewing, not so much. Does he ever say anything nice? Ever?
odyssia76 wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 2:14 pm
Like most zealots, Pinback doesn't know the first thing about the topic at hand. If he did, he'd know that millions of people eat keto NOT as a weight loss method, but because it's the single best treatment for diabetes there is. The world is full of diabetics ditching their insulin and other diabetes meds because they are controlling their blood sugar with excellent carb control.
Not trying to be abusive here but this is for Type 2 diabetes, you know the kind that is at least sorta your fault. Not the kind that Scott Malkinson has. Maybe these folks shouldn't have eaten themselves into diabetes in the first place.
pinback wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 2:55 pm
Maybe I just need to learn more about Keto before I come to any conclusions. Are there any books you can recommend?
Yes. But start with /r/keto on Reddit, especially the extensive FAQ.