We will be enforcing some fun this week

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We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

All of you will be forced to do one (1) fun thing this week
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

For some it will be cruelty
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Other s, Coleco
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Jizaboz »

I played almost 3 hours of Warzone today and feel like I'm getting pretty good at killing the youngsters. Multiple sniping kills with the HD rifle and mad Rambo kills with assault rifles and SMGs, finishing it off with a few kills on my favorite marksmen rifle. There's an XP bonus thing going on so leveling up all my guns quickly has been fun.

Elden Ring arrives Thursday evening!!!111!!!
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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

How would you define the "magic" of Elden Ring?
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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Jizaboz »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:53 pm How would you define the "magic" of Elden Ring?
It is hard for me to do so yet as the game has yet to be released, but I can tell you of why it intrigues me.

I still play Dark Souls as sort of therapy. When bad things have happened in life, when relatives have died, when everything sucks it was always the game I turned to. Yet, in times without RealLife darkness I feel the need to occasionally enter the world just to feel alive. It's a strange therapy of sorts I've recommended to a couple of others in bad times and some of said it helped them too. A depressive, deadly, awful world that you either wallow in sorrow within, or laugh in as you die over and over and over, or feel some evil pride in winning and laughing at all of your victims. If it makes you mad, you have nothing but yourself to blame. Train harder and try again.

Elden Ring should provide the same experience but on a much more grand scale. It is set in an "open world". In Dark Souls, it was common to grind near an area to clear a boss to continue down the main path or find shortcuts to points on that path.. in Elden Ring there is no main path. It has a huge, Skyrim-looking map. So large that in this game there are mounts. Expect to find many NPCs in random places ranting about what seem to be non-sensical things. Items and locations where you are wondering wtf is going on.. this is a Japanese made game after all. This will be basically 3d open-world Castlevania with an RPG system, cruelty for wrong decisions/hitting the wrong person (like how the fuck would we even know the first time lol), and both pure happiness and misery.
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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Well that was beautiful. I am breaking character over this now because it is the ELDEN RING thread.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Tdarcos »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:24 pm All of you will be forced to do one (1) fun thing this week
I wasn't here then, but I did. A while before we lost the Internet, I had downloaded both the wxWidgets installation, and wxBasic. wxWidgets is a library for running graphical interfaces in C+=. wxBasic is a dialect of Basic that includes some features of other languages including Try/Catch/Finally exception handling, and (this is what's important) it implements either all or most of the GUI features of wxWidgets, you just use the routines and the interpreter - written in C++ - handles the back-and forth.

To be able to create an actual application in under 100 lines of code that can set up a window with status bar and menus is amazing. As a learning experience, I consulted the very comprehensive wxWidgets documentation, then wrote a small program to create a window, display a group of checkboxes, and a response button, plus report back whether a box has been checked or unchecked, is amazing, especially when you can do this in about 50 lines of code. I haven't even scratched the surface of what it is possible to do; the IDE for wxBasic is written in the language itself. It has a full menu interface, tabbed editing of files, ability to compile and run the current file from the IDE, and interfaces with the compiler and run-time interpreter so that if you make an error, when the compile attempt returns, it can point you to the exact line where the error occurred. And you can still make changes to files while the program is compiling or running. This editor program is about 2200 lines.

wxBasic's documentation is sorely lacking. The list of wxWidgets functions it handles is not documented. There are a number of demo programs with source, but if you want to do something the demos haven't done, you're on your own, you basically (no pun intended) have to install (or have already installed) the wxWidgets documentation, look up the function or procedure, then see what parameters you have to give it, or what methods you can use, e.g. if you do the following:

Code: Select all

 WindowHeeght = 240
 WindowWidth =120
 dim frame as wxFrame = new wxFrame( Nothing, -1, "Setup", wxPoint(50, 50),
                      wxSize(WindowWidth, WindowHeeght))
dim check[5]
  LeftEdge = 10
  top =0
  BoxWidth= -1
  For I = 1 to 5
    Check[i] = new wxCheckBox(frame, -1, I & " Show on left", wxPoint(LeftEdge, top), wxSize(BoxWidth, BoxHeight))
    Top = Top+Increment
  Next I 					  

dim button_Save = new wxButton(frame,id_BUTTON_Current,"Save",wxPoint(LeftEdge, top),wxSize(60,23))		
    Top = Top+Increment*2
    Point = wxPoint(LeftEdge,Top)	
dim Save_label = new wxStaticText(frame,-1,"Click something",wxPoint(LeftEdge, top),wxSize(-1,-1))		  

sub onHideButtonClick(event as wxCommandEvent) handles button_Save.buttonclicked(-1)
    Message = "Checkbox settings: "
	For I = 1 to 5
	   if Check[i].Getvalue() then
	     message &= "Checked "
	     message &= "Off "
	   end if	 
	next I
end sub
You can create a window, add checkboxes, and read their state. It is this simple. The wxWidgets library (and wxBasic compiler) do all the grunt work and heavy lifting of setting up windows, adding widgets, plus teardown.

I would say, for creating demos and proof-of-concept examples, this provides a much easier method of creating GUI applications, especially if they're for internal use (where you don't care if others can see the source code). I think it would be an excellent prototyping tool, or for doing real work applications on Windows. Conceivably this could be ported to Linux, as wxWidgets is cross-platform, there are several Basic compilers that already run on Linux, including Gambas (Linux only) and Free Basic, so it probably isn't necessary.

So, I did have fun during the two weeks I was incommunicado. Fortunately wxWidgets comes with extensive documentation that is stored locally for you to refer to even if off-line.
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I'm not afraid, any more."
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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

is it?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Casual Observer »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:15 pm For some it will be cruelty
Ok, GTA5 it is then.

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Jizaboz »

Elden Ring isn't disappointing in the least!

I did get little annoyed that some dude invaded my world to kill me like 3 times (and because I started with the most gimped class, I wouldn't even try to fight back) but I found you can just toggle online play off and on which is cool. If I had friends playing it would fun to co-op though.

Edit: ah there are npc invasions in certain areas!! I wondered how the same dude kept tagging me lol. Back to online mode.

Getting back to grinding!

Edit: got up to level 15, got a full set of chain mail, good sword/shield, and unlocked a lot of checkpoints while finding random secrets. 8 hours on day 1. This is a wonderful game.
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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Tdarcos »

Leeeeeeeroooyyy Jeeennkiinnns!
"Baby, I was afraid before
I'm not afraid, any more."
- Belinda Carlisle, Heaven Is A Place On Earth

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It is a little odd to me that there was a clipping problem with that vid that Jiz posted. (You can see one of the enemies fall into the cart.) I don't really care, and I don't think less of the game for it, but it's odd to me that these problems happened all the time in, for instance, Postal 2 and almost 20 years later clipping is still an issue.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by AArdvark »

I installed Mafia 2 on my PC and hooked up a PS3 controller so I get the best of both worlds. That is my fun thing of the week

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Jizaboz »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:30 pm It is a little odd to me that there was a clipping problem with that vid that Jiz posted. (You can see one of the enemies fall into the cart.) I don't really care, and I don't think less of the game for it, but it's odd to me that these problems happened all the time in, for instance, Postal 2 and almost 20 years later clipping is still an issue.
FINALLY! Someone notices! I swung right thru that poor bastard the 1st time. This consistently happens, but ONLY with this certain NPC. After seeing the kind of stupid shit that can just randomly pop up while you are developing a game, I'll let it slide. Not a game-breaker or anything.
Tdarcos wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:42 am Leeeeeeeroooyyy Jeeennkiinnns!
Hahaha yeah this was before I had a shield so the whole parry action thing wasn't real feasible. I'm getting pretty decked out now though.. got this weird helmet off a boss I killed after 3 attempts. Got a lot more of the map explored now. 17 hours in over 2 days.. I need to take a break tomorrow drive out to the basement arcade at my friend Scott's house and spend some time with my GF.. and probably be right back at it after heh-heh.

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by odyssia76 »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:24 pm All of you will be forced to do one (1) fun thing this week
But I did it twice today already!
128 char limit on sigs? Srsly? SO lame.

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by AArdvark »

what, post here?

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by AArdvark »

Game looks like Diablo 4

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Jizaboz »

AArdvark wrote: Sat Feb 26, 2022 2:13 pm Game looks like Diablo 4
Never played a Diablo. Ultima Online for life lol

Here is a new video. This is a fun game! Reminds me of Ultima sometimes honestly.

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Re: We will be enforcing some fun this week

Post by Jizaboz »

Those who are not tarnished, or whom have never played a Dark Souls game that wondered about this game always ask me.. "Don't you die a lot in those games? That seems really frustrat..." Yes. Some of us have played Castlevania and are used to such things. In this next video, I demonstrate progress and death at the same time within 12 minutes. I'm having a hard time understanding any complaints.

TDarcos may remember but at one time I recall talking about my "faith" while I was curious about his over the phone one day. While I have 35 STR, I only allotted 2 stat points to INT and absolutely ZERO to Faith. Faith grants you a bigger bar to use your "ashes" attacks and certain other moves that depend on a Faith meter I've so far ignored.
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