Sylvester Stallone starred in all those Rocky films and many others. He directed Rocky 2-5, along with a few other films including 2008's Rambo, The Expendables, and super oddly, Staying Alive. He wrote the original Rocky films and most of the Rambo sequels. (And, yes, Staying Alive.) But what he did not do was produce the Rocky films, and that makes the Italian Stallion PUNCHING MAD.
Stallone took to Instagram to review David Winkler's new book, referring to the book as “unbearable worthless dreck” written by “the painfully untalented David Winkler who is the son of the remarkably untalented and parasitical Producer of Rocky and Creed.” It's fairly obvious that Stallone's beef isn't with the book, but instead with the WInklers. One of Stallone's posts blames Winkler for not making even more Rocky films. "If it wasn’t for Winkler there would’ve been at least another three Rocky’s, that would’ve been wonderful … frankly that crew are the worst unhunman beings I’ve ever met in the movie industry."
Stallone's beef isn't about not getting paid for his work on the films. While his salary for the first film wasn't great (about $35k), Stallone got points and backend percentages that have added up to around $2.5 million for just the first film. Those numbers increased with every film; he got paid $15 million for his work on Rocky V. Every article cites his net worth as somewhere between $400-$450 million.
But what that doesn't include are any rights to licensing or merchandise. He doesn't own that, which he believes he deserves "just because."
“I have zero ownership of ‘Rocky,’” Stallone told Variety in 2019, sharing that an annuity of sorts that could be left to his children after his death was something he desired. “It was shocking that it never came to be, but I was told, ‘Hey, you got paid, so what are you complaining about?’ I was furious.”
In his recent Instagram spat, he wrote more.
"[A]ter IRWIN controlling ROCKY for over 47 years , and now CREED, I really would like have at least a little WHAT’s LEFT of my RIGHTS back, before passing it on to ONLY YOUR CHILDREN - I believe That would be a FAIR gesture from this 93 year old gentleman ?” he wrote. “This is a painful subject That eats at my soul, because I wanted to leave something of Rocky for my children, but it’s always great hearing from the loyal fans.”
“We are Very happy Rocky Producer IRWIN AND MARGO , CHARLES and DAVID and THE ENTIRE EXTENDED FAMILY are staying heathy and very bloody well fed off the ITALIAN STALLION , while CONTROLLING All of the ROCKY FILMS FOR ALMOST 50 YEARS ! Bon appétit! KeepPunching!”
Stallone comes off as an unhinged, frustrated, and furious old man in these Instagram posts. The LA Times noted that "the star shared a drawing of what appeared to be Irwin Winkler super-imposed on a snake, characterizing the work as “a VERY flattering portrait” of the “great” producer." Stallone has since removed the drawing, which took me 3 seconds to find on Google.

As of this morning it's not just the drawing, but all of Stallone's posts regarding the matter have been removed. Maybe he cooled down, maybe he sobered up, maybe he got a call from Winkler's attorney, maybe he got a call from his own. I (kind of) get that Stallone wishes he were richer and that he had more of a legacy to leave to his children, but I'm not sure demanding things that aren't yours and then drawing snake drawings of the guy you're asking stuff for is the way to go about it.
"They drew first blood," Stallone said in regards to the incident. Just kidding, that's from Rambo.
I plagiarized many quotes from the follow two articles. ... nkler-book ... 235318474/