[POLL] Will you be showing Die Hard on Christmas?

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You throwin' Die Hard on the TV on Christmas?

I don't like that movie.
No votes
I've never seen that movie.
No votes
I have no way of throwin' it on the TV.
I have no TV.
Total votes: 8

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[POLL] Will you be showing Die Hard on Christmas?

Post by pinback »

We did this before, but it was "is Die Hard a Christmas movie?" which is too easy, because most people said "yeah!" but let's see if you're willing to put your DVD where your mouth is.
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Re: [POLL] Will you be showing Die Hard on Christmas?

Post by AArdvark »

I have a folder on the portable hard drive for Christmas shows. Rudolph, Grinch 1966, Opus and Bill, Charlie Brown. You get the idea. I want to expand the content so Die Hard might be going in. Additionally, I want other Christmas movies like The Thin Man. Any suggestions?

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Re: [POLL] Will you be showing Die Hard on Christmas?

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I will literally dig up my DVD from the garage.
And then remember that we don't have a player.
So I am off to download it RIGHT NOW. Thanks Pinback and Aardvark!

I don't consider it a "Christmas Movie" but I like that it uses the holiday. More movies should use holidays.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: [POLL] Will you be showing Die Hard on Christmas?

Post by AArdvark »


King Kong...maybe

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Re: [POLL] Will you be showing Die Hard on Christmas?

Post by Tdarcos »

I voted "I don't have a TV" as I don't. I wonder if it's been pirated somewhere. You'd be amazed at the movies I've found on You Tube. I got to see a movie I only saw once probably when it was first broadcast in 1986, Under Siege.

"But Paul," you're probably going to say, "you're getting senile. Under Siege was released in 1993."
My response is, "No, not that one. This one is about midlle east terrorists committing acts on US soil, including one where an airliner is blown up in a suicide attack, killing everyone on board; the U.S. Capitol is hit by bazooka fire multiple times; and a truck bomb at a military base in Maryland kills hundreds. It also shows the extreme security measures the US takes in response. I only saw it once before now - probably when broadcast - and tried for years to find it. It stars Hal Holbrook and E. G. Marshall. With commercials, it's three hours and worth watching. It was an NBC "Night at the Movies" premiere. Here is the trailer:

Here is the movie:
"Baby, I was afraid before
I'm not afraid, any more."
- Belinda Carlisle, Heaven Is A Place On Earth

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