Debugging notes

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Debugging notes

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Expression error
Property routine illegal in watch/assignment
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Re: Debugging notes

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

It really seems like I ran out of objects.

The compiler is telling me I am using 977 objects with a max of 1200. But nothing gets fixed if I bump the max to 5000.

I pretty much have it down to the exact room where the trouble starts - if I move things around in the file in question, then whatever room is at that "spot" is where it ceases to be treated like a room. (Jizabox, the eCoin dealer's room is in maze_cotd3.hug right below Retrotown_8_6, which does not print anything when I go in there - it's far away from the eCoin shop in terms of the game's map, but the two are right next to each other in the source file. And subsequent rooms after that don't work either.

The debugger gave me a little interesting info - when the problem exists, I see this at one point going into the non-working room:

Returning -235 from Moveplayer to Dogo

... when I move the affected file "up," I see "Returning 0 from Moveplayer to Dogo". I should look at the debugger for when I go to other functioning rooms, but I assume the negative number is bad.

Man, I really don't want to have to cut objects out of the game.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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