This magazine asked a bunch of candidates for the job of "Mayor" in San Francisco questions off the Voight-Kampf test (shown in the movie Blade Runner).
You have to like this one:
Magazine: You’re watching television. Suddenly you realize there’s a wasp crawling on your arm.
Susan Leal: I’d kill it.
HOT. And just what Rachel, the replicant, said in Blade Runner. Heh.
I like these two answers. I would have loved to ask these questions to them. It sounds like a fun game. Just to be an ass I might start doing it.
It’s your birthday. Someone gives you a calfskin wallet. How do you react?
Tom Ammiano: I’d look for money.
TW: You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, Tom, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back, Tom. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that, Tom?
TA: That’s interesting. I don’t know. I’m a republican?
That *was* comedy gold. Why did nobody think to do something like this to politicians any sooner?
On a slightly different topic, Robb, where on earth do you find all this good stuff? I'm thinking of this, or the "Al-Jazeera... would you hit it?" articles, the Goon Squad invasion of the online Dating Game, and so forth. What's the secret? Superhuman browsing speed? Dozens of emails from well-connected web denizens? Some forum I've never seen?
Most of the links I post are from the Awful Forums, Caltrops or, every once in a while, Walrustitty's BBS. Violet has a talent for finding links that "make you go hmmm."
I find my links on the online comics I read. I'm surprised that people haven't seen the sites I have found before. Most of the stuff that I find, I figure has been circulated more times than the video of the masturbating squirrel.