Where To Find More 16x16 Graphic Tiles
freeSFX - Register to get loads of free sounds. They also provide a custom sound service which of course is not free.
Bfxer - A virtual digital sound effects generation machine. Exports to wav format. Use online or download.
Video Game Soundtracks
a torrent of 8bitcollective Chiptunes:
Best of 8 Bit Collective Chiptunes (8bc) [06/2006 - 06/2011]
ADVENTURE KITSrld wrote:8bitcollective (8bc.org) is an excellent source for music for "retro-style" games like ACK games, and a lot of the music is in the "80s-style RPG" vein anyway, so it is definitely worth taking a look at if you are not planning to compose your game music yourself. It's chiptune-synthesized music, so most of it is reminiscent of 80s/90s game systems from NES on up. Lots of excellent, excellent stuff on there.
The best part is that they enforce a consistent license for uploaded files (Creative Commons) so you can use anything from the site for noncommercial games as long as you include a link to the artist's page in your game distribution.
Amiga ACS Rivers of Light Adventure Kit (Tiles and World Map) ported to ACK from the Amiga version of Adventure Construction Set by Stuart Smith. (Not to be confused with the ACK Remake of ROL by Chris H.) Included along with this archive are screenshots of every ROL object/location/dialog in the ACS editor.
Garth's Wasteland Adventure Kit includes complete Wasteland Map with a faithful version of the first location in the original Wasteland game (Camp Highpool) to serve as an example. Custom made 256 color versions of many of the original Wasteland tiles, some completely redone in order to cut down on the number of tiles (the many different doors of the original have been replaced with a single generic door for example.)
Note: Most items, monsters, npcs and dialogs from classic Wasteland are not included as this is only meant as a Kit for you to make your own games with. In time I will add more skills and objects from Wasteland to this Kit.
Garth's MSX Metal Gear 1 Adventure Kit includes custom made tileset for use with ACK based on the original game's graphics. The first level of the first building is playable (if slightly buggy in a spot or two), and other levels are accessable via elevator though largely incomplete. Radio calls from Big Boss implimented and working. Most basic items included. Music and sound effects from original game included. Original intro included plus a mosaic cut scene at the beginning I made for the Demo game.
Good sources of inspiration for your Adventures as well as public billboards to tag with ACK grafitti. >:D Don't be afraid to shamelessly plug Adventure Creation Kit to get more Adventure Creators in here! ;)
- http://www.adventureconstructionset.com ... ntures.asp
http://forums.somethingawful.com/showth ... id=3285054
http://www.digitpress.com/forum/forum.p ... e355f5d679
http://forums.computerandvideogames.com ... um.php?f=8
Find that great old game you used to love, play it again, get inspiration, make something like it in ACK. WIN!