Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:36 am
How, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Russian-made are we talking here?
From all appearances glancing at their github repo it looks like people from all over the world have worked on this thing!
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:05 am
So Jiz, is this a physical card you can put in your Switch to play games made by Russians?
More importantly, is there an app on this device that would immediately initiate an attack on the Russians if you called out "COMMIES!"? And what would that app be called?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:05 am
Ok, I just wanted us on the same page because the Russian government has a sort of tricky, unavoidable ding to them right now, is all.
So Jiz, is this a physical card you can put in your Switch to play games made by Russians?
Right, I can see how this is confusing.
There is a new "everdrive" style cart coming out soon for the Nintendo Switch. That device IS being made in Russia. From there it will most likely be sold via Chinese website distros.
However, the Yuzu emulator for PC, Android, etc has nothing to do with said device as far as I can tell.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:05 am
So Jiz, is this a physical card you can put in your Switch to play games made by Russians?
More importantly, is there an app on this device that would immediately initiate an attack on the Russians if you called out "COMMIES!"? And what would that app be called?
This was a good joke and reference, and I am sorry I missed it the first time around.
(We do not need to do any work to get our current dog barking in a loud fashion at the moment. Maybe when it hits the "sweet spot" for goldendoodles in 13 years.)
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:05 am
Ok, I just wanted us on the same page because the Russian government has a sort of tricky, unavoidable ding to them right now, is all.
So Jiz, is this a physical card you can put in your Switch to play games made by Russians?
Right, I can see how this is confusing.
There is a new "everdrive" style cart coming out soon for the Nintendo Switch. That device IS being made in Russia. From there it will most likely be sold via Chinese website distros.
However, the Yuzu emulator for PC, Android, etc has nothing to do with said device as far as I can tell.
Should we get Everdrives together? As a sort of male bonding thing?