I voted for you Dayna ;). I steal your women and now I am going for blood with your dignity and respect. C'mon I am gonna hit HWR thats addicted to meth and is a Nazi, I am coming to find out, while Shane is in the corner in a closed up ball position while I am checking HWR's "Oil". Boom-shackalacka! Robb I still am saving my self for you though...........you never call.......write. Dang. Wheres the Love?
There needs to be a new selection for this poll: "Random other new users from Vitriola's old apartment who haven't quite mastered the art of posting anything interesting, amusing, or even remotely coherent."
Why do you feel the need to pick on my intelligence? Believe it or not I have had a really hard life and I did not have the chance to finish school. The last grade that I ever completed was the 8th grade and my IQ was tested that year at 149. I have Tourette's syndrome and ADHD because my mother used alot of drugs when she was pregnant. I grew up in the ghetto and I was picked on and beaten up because I was white all thru school. Add those head injuries with all of the ones that your precious friend Straw gave me because he is a sick and violent abusive little bitch and ofcourse I am going to have some coherancy problems. While you guys were growing up in the comfort of your suburban homes I spent my childhood in 14 different foster homes and then I lived in Hillside for 4 years, so please don't pick on me because you have no idea what I have been thru.