I've had a Fallout (the original Fallout) save kicking around for years.

One problem with CRPGs is that without a proper journal or quest log, it can be easy to "forget" where you are and what your mission is. This is definitely a problem for some games of mine - actually, maybe all of them. It's something I am fixing for Cyberganked, but if you played half of Cryptozookeeper and took a year off or, like I did with Fallout, about 25 years off, it can mess with you.
One of the happiest memories of my life in Rochester was living in the townhouse with Jethro Q. Walrustitty in 1997. I had my own room which I had growing up and had for the three months I lived at Da King's house, but still - after college I moved back home. I remember having Thanksgiving with my parents, brother, aunt and uncle and when I drove back from Olean I went to the place where I lived which was separate from where I grew up. I think it was the first Thanksgiving I ever spent at my own place because I have a memory of coming home for Thanksgiving each year in college.
Fallout was new and had come out October of 1997 so it makes sense that I would be playing it. I don't remember how far I got, I just remember stopping play like I did all games I loved back then. But I have distinct memories of Thanksgiving of 1997 thinking... hey, I had moved out, I'm playing new computer games, this is ... this is pleasant. I think I am making it. I think I am gonna make it as a person. I will admit I look back upon my, ah, bachelor years with fondness sometimes and that is one of those memories.
I had been tinkering with it this Christmas/New Year's break and found a walk through that gave me a decent recap of where I am. (I am in "Junktown" and I am firmly within the first 1/5th of the game.) I wanted to get an "Iguana on a Stick" - a food item - so I could find and entice Dogmeat (the game's dog NPC) to join me. I went into a General Store that I had no memory of.
Two things:
1) You can talk to the shop owner. And the voice acting for this guy is pretty great. You can choose to say the following to him at one point, regardless if you've bought anything: "You just know everything around here, don't you?" And when doing that he FROWNS in subsequent conversations. Is this thing tracking attitude? But this is top notch voice acting and possibly attitude tracking.
2) After talking to him the first time a thug will burst into the store and say, "This is from Gizmo!!" and try to kill the shop owner. What the fuck! That's amazing! I have no idea who Gizmo is in Fallout, but I decide to take the shop owner's side in this, because this is a pretty obvious hit attempt. I don't kill the thug (one of the shopkeep's guards do) but both myself and an NPC named Ian that I grabbed somewhere in the last two decades do get some attacks in. And... it's amazing. Unlike ATOM:RPG, which again, I am not really criticizing, I had a completely unexpected encounter, I got to make a role-playing choice on which side to take and I got to grab a shotgun off the corpse of the thug afterwards. Wheee! It really hits home that BioWare were professionals here. This little exchange holds up better than anything else I've played recently. You can see his dead body in the screenshot above.
No promises. I've never solved Fallout. But damn, this is making me really want to.