Below is my definition for an object called brassKnuckles. It SEEMS like the debugger is trying to go to ParseError(8), which is the ambiguity one. Which makes no sense to me, because no other item in the game has the word "brass".
If I remove the picture for this item, it will not give me the error. I tried using a different picture. I tried using a picture that I know works. WTF?
Anyone got an idea what might be going on?

Code: Select all
storeItem brassKnuckles "brass knuckles"
nouns "knuckles"
adjective "brass"
article "some"
plural_word "brass knuckles"
itemnumber 3
in_scope gameMaster
weapon_dam_min 1
weapon_dam_max 5
worth 10
is plural
itemtype "weapon"
primary_attack "punch"
primary_attack_plural "punches"
is blunt_combat_object, plural
criticalHit 0
is not flammable
burst_capable 0
is createable
"This weapon is a piece of metal fashioned around the fingers of one hand. ";
if GameEvents[14] = 0
GameEvents[14] = 1
"Brass knuckles are a handheld melee option for all classes in the Gank except for the
horned-up Sado-masochist class that went extinct within a single generation." ;
" Brass knuckles do blunt damage against foes."
facepic "CGAV01", "brassKnuckles01"