I am stupid for thinking what I want to.

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I am stupid for thinking what I want to.

Post by Worm »

Here, you can all make the same tired gimmick posts you want in here. Please, just don't spam the fucking board.
Good point Bobby!

not a Gimmick

Re: I am stupid for thinking what I want to.

Post by not a Gimmick »

Worm wrote:Here, you can all make the same tired gimmick posts you want in here. Please, just don't spam the fucking board.
Worm, these aren't simple "gimmick posts" that you could call spam. These are more of a "calling out" over some really ignorant things you posted which you don't seem able to intellegently justify. As for the practice of using different user id's that's because I had registered and then tried to change my username and now neither works. In any case, using joke user names can sometimes help drive home the point being made. At least that's what they do over on Fuckedcompany.

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Post by Worm »

Well, first I don't see why everyone thinks it's their fucking responsibility to go off and break the law. I hate the illegal drug trade with all I am because it supports a growing criminal element in America. I'm really sad I can't "buy green" and stop exploitation in all my efforts in my everyday life. Though I don't see the need to dick around with my brain chemicals. The only experience I've had with misery was being told I was miserable.

I don't give a fuck. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. I really don't care if how wrong I am strikes a cord of discord throughout the Universe. Just go ahead embarrass me some more ... contain it to this thread would you?
Good point Bobby!


Post by Wormy »

I'm confused by your request. It's a fact that posting a message makes this the most recent post of the board so therefore is the first thing people go to when they log in?

How would that help you avoid embarrasment?

Worm wrote:Well, first I don't see why everyone thinks it's their fucking responsibility to go off and break the law. I hate the illegal drug trade with all I am because it supports a growing criminal element in America. I'm really sad I can't "buy green" and stop exploitation in all my efforts in my everyday life. Though I don't see the need to dick around with my brain chemicals. The only experience I've had with misery was being told I was miserable.

I don't give a fuck. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right. I really don't care if how wrong I am strikes a cord of discord throughout the Universe. Just go ahead embarrass me some more ... contain it to this thread would you?

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Worm wrote:Just go ahead embarrass me some more ... contain it to this thread would you?
Does that mean I can do this:


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Post by Worm »

Wormy wrote:I'm confused by your request. It's a fact that posting a message makes this the most recent post of the board so therefore is the first thing people go to when they log in?

How would that help you avoid embarrasment?
Worm wrote:Just go ahead embarrass me some more ... contain it to this thread would you?
Actually, that request was for you to embarrass me more though keep it to one thread.
Gimmick poster wrote:Let's look no farther than Columbine and Camden NJ to know that this isn't true.
Seriously, you think the kills that can be chalked up to video games (not that these can) equal even a fraction of a fraction of the murders because of crime or drunk driving accidents?
Good point Bobby!

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Worm wrote:
Gimmick poster wrote:"]Let's look no farther than Columbine and Camden NJ to know that this isn't true.
Seriously, you think the kills that can be chalked up to video games (not that these can) equal even a fraction of a fraction of the murders because of crime or drunk driving accidents?
YEAH! And.. people who smoke weed! That shit turns you into a cold blooded, raping stealing KILLER!


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Post by Worm »

I'd just like the double check here. You tactic is to flit about the board posting under my name and pointing out how stupid my ideas are embarrassing me in front of the whole fifteen people who visit this board?
Good point Bobby!


Post by observer »

"Seriously, you think the kills that can be chalked up to video games (not that these can) equal even a fraction of a fraction of the murders because of crime or drunk driving accidents?"

How many people do you think have killed somebody because they're "hepped up on marijahoochhi" as a favorite texas judge of mine liked to say.

Fact is that people are going to drink and do drugs. Always have throughout history and always will. It's the prohibition of these products that leads to the organized crime you speak about and claim to "hate".

If conservatives like you were serious about the evils of drugs then there would be less people in prison for drugs and more people in drug treatment, job training and education. Oops, no money for treatment and job training but we got lots of money to build another 100,000 bed prison where we can make licence plates for $2 a day.

Oh yeah, by the way let's not give enough drug tests, counselling, and education in jail so that people if they ever do get out do so more addicted to the system than anything else.

And while you are at it, let's give the rich a great big tax cut and roll back civil liberties.

I'll keep these posts to any base where disproving bullshit is part of the topic.

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Post by Worm »

Good point Bobby!


Post by gimmick »

Yeah, that's just about right. Sorry there are only fifteen people.
Worm wrote:I'd just like the double check here. You tactic is to flit about the board posting under my name and pointing out how stupid my ideas are embarrassing me in front of the whole fifteen people who visit this board?

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Post by Worm »

What are you disproving? I just think we should start offing these people. I didn't say I could prove it scientifically.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Worm »

gimmick. . . melting away wrote:Whoopee!!! How great!!

Actually I'm getting bored as we speak and most likely will not keep posting until something else interesting happens.
Worm wrote:Oh, dear, you aren't though. Posting on topic that is. How great.
You actually believed my intial ideas were interesting?
Good point Bobby!


Post by gimmick »

How old are you? over 20? Who talks like this?
Worm wrote:What are you disproving? I just think we should start offing these people. I didn't say I could prove it scientifically.

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Post by Worm »

No, I type like that. *rimshot*
Good point Bobby!


Post by gimmick »

Who knows, perhaps your entire "Worm" persona is fictional, something you felt was interesting to generate content. Perhaps you were not serious when you said that we should start offing "these" people. If so, then I am glad to have helped you contribute to "content".

Worm wrote:
gimmick. . . melting away wrote:Whoopee!!! How great!!

Actually I'm getting bored as we speak and most likely will not keep posting until something else interesting happens.
Worm wrote:Oh, dear, you aren't though. Posting on topic that is. How great.
You actually believed my intial ideas were interesting?


Post by gimmick »

Heh. . . you mispelled *rimJOB* you maggot
Worm wrote:No, I type like that. *rimshot*

worm's new tag line

Post by worm's new tag line »

Worm, here's a new tag line for you.
Worm wrote:the son bites my moon and the guys go down. I'll be floating, squirming, and laughing. Next position? That'd be me face up tossing salad."


Post by casual »

Wow, fifteen people on the board at once back in March! That would be really something if it could happen again. In the meantime your ideas are only embarrassing you in front of three or four people at any one time.

Worm wrote:speaking of how my stupid ideas are embarrassing me in front of the whole fifteen people who visit this board?

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Post by Worm »

The funniest thing is you are right.

It is that we need more reform. The prison system is a mess. Granted this whole reform not prison cells has been around awhile I don't know what book everyone who gets into this argument with me has read though I'd like to know. It is the Christian influence that did all this and it did severely mess shit up. We'd be much better off if Philip and Morris were selling weed as opposed to cigarettes.

I'm not saying I know about what our government should do. I'm not trying to inform you all I have the best plan ever that would be better in the long run for everyone. I never claimed the intellectual high ground. I just would like to see the dealers ... hell even the users be put to death. I hate the whole drug scene that much. It's nice to pretend I must have some preestablished political idea set or something.

I just hate people who do drugs and every fucking day of my life is a suppressing and ignoring that. It isn't because of religion, it isn't because of some imposed set of morals, I can say it's because I don't want people to die ... though I really don't care if I don't know them, and truth be told when I do I don't care much either, I just want them to die because I hate them. Pure and simple. Maybe I thought leaving out the user part would make it seem less nuts or the stupid little three strike thing. I don't really know. I just hate drugs and every day all I see are alcoholics and drug bags breathing down my neck. I thought for a millisecond maybe someone wouldn't be someone I have to totally blank out aspects of to like.
Good point Bobby!

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