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Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

no text?


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Post by Lysander »

Exactly. See, its actually standard forum eddiqit for forums like those at network54 where you have to click on thsubjects of each post to see them, so people would cram as much as they could into teh subject line without having to have people click and wait for the banner adds to load (and to close the 5 popup windows--you think I am joking, dear reader, but you are not) just for a couple lines of text.

And now... you know. And knowing is half the battle!

The Multi Mediocre Knight

Post by The Multi Mediocre Knight »

You're just used forums, 'sall Delfi forums.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

That's rather stupid, the standard for such things is EOM. End Of Message. That, my friends, is the standard. Not "n/t". That's for pumpkin-humping fags.

Delphi's message bases suck but there is a staggering amount of stuff there.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:That's rather stupid, the standard for such things is EOM. End Of Message. That, my friends, is the standard. Not "n/t". That's for pumpkin-humping fags.
1) I, not Jeff, coined the phrase "pumpkin-humping fag."

2) "EOM" implies the end... of a message. N/T means that there is NO FUCKING TEXT there. At all. Not even a message.

Shit's checkers, not chess.

the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

I really don't mind JQW for awhile. Then he goes and types up something really fucking stupid like that.
Good point Bobby!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

If there was "no text", there would be no fucking message.

There is a message, ergo, there is text.

Not to try to use the Great Satan as a guide, but with MS Exchange/Outlook, if a message is sent with only a subject and no body, "(EOM)" is automatically appended to the subject. It's regularly used as forums I visit.

I have never, ever, ever seen "n/t" used anywhere but here.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:If there was "no text", there would be no fucking message.

There is a message, ergo, there is text.
IN-JOKES EXPLAINED: The "Forum Monitor" used to put n/t at the end of his posts. Back when he was monitoring the forums.

Hey, what's the IP address of the crackpot in the 9/11 thread on your board? Where's he from? I am okay with conspiracy theorists, but I can't stand cowards.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:If there was "no text", there would be no fucking message.

There is a message, ergo, there is text.

Not to try to use the Great Satan as a guide, but with MS Exchange/Outlook, if a message is sent with only a subject and no body, "(EOM)" is automatically appended to the subject. It's regularly used as forums I visit.

I have never, ever, ever seen "n/t" used anywhere but here.
On some message boards the subjects are displayed first. OH WOW! On many of those message boards short replies are just needed (Like caltrops). Though on MANY of those message boards all fields needed an entry therefore the practice of typing NT in the body and you being a piece of human trash arose.

n/t is not a e-mail convention. This is a message board we use message board conventions.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by loafergirl »

Is this where we post when we aren't sober? Because I was momentarily but I'm correcting it now. You see, you all get drunk on Fridays, but I have Friday's off, so on the few occasions that I choose to partake in such recreation it's on Thursday nights, which get's lonely because everyone has to go early so I'm left f*cked up alone.
Though I think we need a poll beer vs weed, because I feel a lot more productive with the latter. When you're stoned you get creative, when you're drunk you either wobble a lot, and vegitate, or sulk silently. Case in point- damn it I'm not supposed to be posting.
dude-don't listen to me I'm messed up...

weeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee


gema, er gamw, er game even
1, 2, 5!
3 sir...

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Post by Worm »

Gee, that is the first time I think f*ck appeared on this board. I think you can just stretch the meaning of drunk to mean generally intoxicated so you can post on LSD, coke, herione, or maybe if you are high on the sweet smell of murder..
Good point Bobby!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Gimme an example of "n/t".


For EOM, try Mobius, one of the greatest movie forums on the net (though admittedly their forum software is one of the worst), where "EOM" is regularly seen.

Admit it, all you are WRONG, just plain wrong, and grasping at straws isn't going to help.

Jonsey, the conspiracy theory dude is from New Zealand.

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Admit it, all you are WRONG, just plain wrong, and grasping at straws isn't going to help.
Leave me alone homo!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Gimme an example of "n/t".

Do a search for "Base Monitor" on here. (Actually, that might not work, because I don't think phpBB allows you to search for guest account usernames.)

Hey, have you upgraded phpBB recently, Jeff? This version seems fine to me... no problems in the longest time.

Also! Confidential to Adam T., St. Louis: Sorry about that, m'man. I really need to stop bringing my phone out.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Gimme an example of "n/t".

What? I have to search all old forums for examples of NT? How about you find as many examples of EOM as there are of NT?

This isn't language you god damn puke! There is no standard for net slang and acronyms. I don't know how you keep saliva in your mouth but I am most sure it involves many cotton balls and maybe a leather strap. You can't even correctly utilize standard English in many of your posts. Now you rag on someone for utilizing some net acronym that you just figure must be somehow be against the preestablished rules of what is acceptable in the entire Internet.

Here's your proof you fucking net trash. ... xx-klingon ... t%22+%2BNT ... Acronym=NT
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote: For EOM, try Mobius, one of the greatest movie forums on the net (though admittedly their forum software is one of the worst), where "EOM" is regularly seen.
Well fuck! Your proving what no one doubted. We believe that your forums use EOM! Though loads also use N/T!
Good point Bobby!


Post by Vitriola »

Didn't we already agree on this? When certain standards require the entry of text in to a message in order to send it, even when there isn't one or it can fit into a subject line, like the private messaging on this board, if you don't want someone to have to click on the message just to get garbage, you put EOM at the end of the subject line. When you don't need characters ihn the message field to post, you can use either EOM or n/t.

When denizens start posting about Netiquette, the Terrorists have already won.

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

Jonsey, I've been planning a big upgrade of my board, but fuckitall, I've been too goddamned busy. (Though not too busy to watch Battle Royale again and play Tron 2.0. Oh, and download a Madness concert DVD. Whoooooooo!)

Hopefully, before I go to Florida, I'm gonna take the BBS to the latest version and probably install MX as a "portal" frontend. Or something else. Or put phpBB authentication into Gallery to allow general users to be able to upload a whole slew of pics if they want. Or use MX System's photo gallery.

Dunno, dunno. I've got most of that installed on my work laptop, but I haven't quite gotten MX to do everything I want it to. Most, but not all.

I do kind of like the idea of pulling down some RSS feeds. But then, it's not like every other web site in the world doesn't already do that.

Gotta see if I can modify the php version of Trade Wars to be Pimp Wars, too.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

What is an RSS feed?

I think I have the source to Pimp Wars somewhere.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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Post by Jethro Q. Walrustitty »

The source to Pimp Wars is easily obtainable. I believe I have it sitting here on my work laptop somewhere, in fact. And, I'm chewing up mandatory training time by reading php books at "Books 24x7", so I'm even getting The Man to help out the cause.

RSS feeds are the news feeds omnipresent on web sites nowadays. Say, I want to get news on life in a civilized world. I find a news site that has what I'm after, find out if they offer an RSS feed (it's XML, so something they're just called XML feeds), then configure that. Bam, I have the latest x number of headlines from there site on mine. Basically, it's automatic links to the newest stories on any topic that you can find being offered via RSS - which is a staggering amount of stuff.

I figure that I can make my own "My Yahoo"-style page.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:The source to Pimp Wars is easily obtainable. I believe I have it sitting here on my work laptop somewhere, in fact. And, I'm chewing up mandatory training time by reading php books at "Books 24x7", so I'm even getting The Man to help out the cause.
A php version of Pimpwars, yeah, that'd be simple. It's just a matter of getting all the atrocious grammar and spelling place that the original had.

I'd offer to help you, but I am swamped with stuff. Less swamped and less overwhelmed than I was a couple weeks ago, but I can't reliably say that I could be reliable, narmean?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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