I don't know anything about HeroClix. Honestly, I just saw the d00d in the store, it was going for $0.99, so I bought it. I then later gave it to a girl, who exists in real life, which means that buying the Blue Beetle was a very hetero experience.Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:"HeroClix... for those who can't get RealChix!"
So, what's the deal with that? Is that one of those games where the game is, buy more shit to win?
I was not attempting to get myself into the game, nor was I attempting to get anyone else. It's like if they made some role playing game based on that one action figure that you bought that one time. "Ash" from the Evil Dead. Whoops! I mean "Duke" from the Duke Nukem game. Whoops! I mean the Predator from that movie "Predator." Whoops! I mean Princess Lea in Slave Girl Outfit from "Return of the Jedi." Whoops! I mean the alien from the movie "Alien." Whoops! I mean the Tick from that cartoon "The Tick." Whoops! There goes gravity! Whoops! I mean the giant bug from that movie "Starship Troopers." Whoops! I mean ANY OF THE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF OTHER "ACTION FIGURES" "COMMEMORATIVE COLLECTABLES" OR "OUTRIGHT FUCKING DOLLS" YOU HAVE BOUGHT IN YOUR LIFE, YOU MISERABLE, MISERLY, OOZING GROUCHCUNT.
No... no, I need less hobbies. Far, far less. Shooting the shit with you is a full time job with part-time benefits.Like Pokemon or Magic? Good Lord, RobB, you need more hobbies out there if you are succumbing to such nonsense.
You have no imagination. That's why you never got into D&D, never got a bunch of cool friends you can "role play" with on Friday night, and why Cathy's anal cherry is going untaken, thus letting Aaron Gold do it in 2015 after you die of terminal drudgery. Evolve, change, imagine, or imagine that.I mean, I love HP Lovecraft but you don't see me spending my Friday nights huddled over a board, rolling dice, playing Cthulhu, and shooting the Elder Gods version of Magic Missile.