Welcome to MY kitchen!

Arcade Games & Cooking.

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Posts: 2544
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2002 10:43 pm

Welcome to MY kitchen!

Post by bruce »

I'm sure you're all wondering, "where does Bruce prepare his food, that he can pontificate snarkily about Fresh Vegetables and Proper Woks" ?

Well, you need wonder no more:




Post by Vitriola »

Walls and window area: too PLAIN. I sugest either a warm coat of paint with some wood accents, or some girlie calendars. Otherwise, beautiful.

Judge K. Savory

Post by Judge K. Savory »

Bruce, you've been charged with posting a topic that was no more amusing than your previous ones. Nor does it have any such "mmmph!" that's befitting the new base. You are sentenced to having your next topic garner a mere 11 views and having it fall completely out the following week.

Posts: 2544
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2002 10:43 pm

Post by bruce »

Judge K. Savory wrote:Nor does it have any such "mmmph!" that's befitting the new base.
No "mmmph!" ??

Look at those pictures. Note, kind of, the cabinets, and the brushed-stainless appliances. Now look at the countertops. I'll wait.

Yes, they're fucking <b>granite</b>.

Do you have <i>any idea</i> how much that cost me?

This kitchen has plenty of goddamn "mmmph". In fact it's got more "mmmph" in any square foot of its granite countertops at any single instant than the <i>integral</i> of the "mmmph" in your shrivelled nutsack taken over your <i>entire pathetic wretched wasted life</i>.

In short,
Blow Me,


Post by Vitriola »

Your walls yearn for decor. How can you be so heartless? Don't let them throw away their Youth in easy Wishing.

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