The Onion Sucks.

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The Onion Sucks.

Post by Ben »

I always feared this day would come, but I think it has to be said. The Onion is officially dead (to me, as a realiable source of comedy.)

I defy you to read the entire Sept. 4 issue and laugh once, at anything contained therein.

I *almost* giggled at the picture of the cheeseburger in the cheese-limit article. But that's as close as I came.

What the hell happened? Have I just become desensitized, and it's as funny as ever? Or did they just mine the well dry? Or... do whatever it is you do to wells to make them dry...

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

What happened is that they just write one article. They mined it for all its worth. Their sense of humor is good, grant, great and all... but it's the only sense of humor they employ.

However, this is one of the five funniest things currently on the internet, and they get a lot of leeway from me because they produced it.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

But, see, that's funny, and nothing recently has been that funny on their site, except for the Smoove B article a couple weeks back, but Smoove B will always be funny, for the exact same reasons.

"Our Dumb Century", it should be said, is still one of the 1 funniest books of all time.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeah. I'm with you for the most part. They really, really need to get some people in there who write in a different style.

Course, I've updated once this month, so maybe I should keep my mouth shut, eh?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Re: The Onion Sucks.

Post by bruce »

Ben wrote: I defy you to read the entire Sept. 4 issue and laugh once, at anything contained therein.
I got a chuckle:
Jim Anchower wrote: While Wes looked at DVD players, I kicked the tires on all the game systems. Picking one wasn't easy. The graphics were great on all of them, and they all had some killer games. Plus, they all looked cool. Except the Xbox, which looked like a clunky steaming load.

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