I'm making chili now. Can't really give a recipe because a) I'm not sure exactly what I used and b) I'm not sure it's not going to suck yet. Basically I just chopped two onions and some garlic, cooked them with olive oil until they were clear, meanwhile in a second pan browning a pack (>1 lb) of ground beef. Drained the beef grease then added it to the onions and garlic. Add a can of tomato paste, a can of tomatoes (I used plum) and a can of red kidney beans (fuck you, I like beans in my chili). Also add whatever spices are around and applicable, garlic/onion powder/salt, whatever else you want (couldn't find the cumin) and yeah, I even used a little chili powder. Add some chopped up assorted hot peppers, and one Beck's Dark beer. Cook the shit out of it.. I just put it on so I'll probably let it simmer overnite.. 6 AM chili tasting!
Mm, I loves me some chili. It sure isn't much to look at right now though:
I use about 4-5 cans of different kinds of beans, ground turkey instead of beef, and both beer and red wine. Also some worcestershire, hot sauce, garlic, onion, chili powder, tomato paste and diced, and have occasionally had to put in some catsup if it wasn't tomatoey enough. I'm allergic to peppers, so that's out.
Usually I would get some habaneros to chop and put in, but due to the unexpected intensity of the peppers that I got, I decided to just use other hot peppers and if need be towards the end I have some of this to add. My father got it from Mexico but I don't think it's all that rare as Beale St has it (Iguana XXX, not the habanero kind)
Well, it turned out pretty damn good considering I fell asleep from 3-8 and it didn't get stirred. And I forgot to cut up and include a fresh tomato in my excitement to get the canned shit in there. But overall damn good chili.