Efags.com, better known as Ebay.com

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Efags.com, better known as Ebay.com

Post by Guest »

Well la de fricken da. So, I get a fricken letter from Ebay tonight telling me my auction for the flash cartridge is against policy.

So here I am with flames coming out my mouth about ready to call these assholes up and ask them what the fuck a DVD burner is used for.

I mean shit, It is not like I haven't donated my money to them from auctions in the past. I mean come on fucking Ebay, thank god for fucking Beanie Babies or you fuckers would be pumpin gas and surfing child porn.

So here's the deal, I would still like to give someone a decent deal on this. $80.00 takes it off my hands.
That includes shipping and everything needed.

Here is my auction that some puke faced, snot nosed, can't get a job in IT, fuck head banned from Ebay tonight.

Oh fuck nevermind, I can not even get to the damn thing. Someone with God like status over there has completely deleted the auction from their lotus notes database.

Anyway, I have a flash2advance 256, USB, Gameboy Flash Cartridge with all the boxes and the compact flash memory game wallet for loading new game while traveling or away from your computer.

$80.00 shipped to your door today for this one time deal.

Make it happen.

Fuck Ebay.

Posts: 3626
Joined: Sat Aug 24, 2002 12:53 am
Location: tucked away between the folds of your momma, safe

Post by Worm »

Good point Bobby!

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