Will someone host Monto Rusa for a month or so?

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Will someone host Monto Rusa for a month or so?

Post by Ben »

I will be moving next month, during which time my internet access might be affected for an unknown period of that. Since I am hosting a website (www.montorusa.com) out of my office, this does not bode well for the uptime of said website during the move.

Does anyone have a computer available that they keep connected to the internet 24/7 and wouldn't mind me running Monto Rusa off of it for however long it takes for me to get my internet access up to snuff at my new place? It can be Windows or Linux, and all it requires is a bunch of Java software, some software to keep the domain pointed at your machine, and a willingness to take responsibility for the continued operation of the most important website on the internet.

Thanks for any assistance.


Post by Robb »

I can create an FTP directory for you on my webspace. How big is Monto Rusa?


Post by Ben »

What database does your "webspace" allow you to use?

How does your "webspace" work?

Can you point a domain name (www.montorusa.com) to a specific point on your "webspace"?

Does your "webspace" allow Java servlets and JSP's and the like?

What is up with your "webspace"?


Post by Ben »

And are you going to Vegas or WHAT?!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I don't know. My alternator just went in my car. I can't answer yes or no right now.

Ben wrote:What database does your "webspace" allow you to use?
How does your "webspace" work?

Can you point a domain name (www.montorusa.com) to a specific point on your "webspace"?
No, www.joltcountry.com is a real and true backbone hub of the internet and therefore built-in to everyone's net experience.

Also: Yes.

Does your "webspace" allow Java servlets and JSP's and the like?

What is up with your "webspace"?
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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Ah, that came off as really snotty. But I didn't mean it to be that way.

How many megs is your site, anyway? I'm going to put the over-under at "6MB." But under that, right? I think I am using something like 7MB out of 250 currently.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

Definitely under 6mb, MR. SNOTTY, if you don't count things like:

The Java software.
The MySQL software.
My big fat hairy ass.

If you do count those things, it's probably right around there.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Is it possible to have multiple and unrelated MySQL databases on a setup like mine? Or will one database run everything?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

Hmm. With one installation of MySQL, you can have within it many unrelated databases. Like, in my installation, I have only one database defined, called "montorusa", but you could have many others for whatever else you wanted 'em for.

Did that answer your question?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeah, that did. I am wondering if it creates a "mess" or a "problem" if our combined sites would be running off one MySQL installation. For instance, presumably you will want to pull your information out at some point and run it on your computer again. You will probably want your database back without a lot of content that consists of people calling Bruce a fagroit over and over again.

So I guess my answer is that I am happy to have MR here till you get situated -- I just, unfortunately, don't know a lot about getting multiple, unrelated websites going on the same database.

I can create a www.joltcountry.com/~pinback directory for you if you like. This comes with a free pinback@joltcountry.com e-mail address. So just let me know if you want me to go ahead and do that.
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Post by Lex »

Boy, it sure would be good to be able to do the old link-thing within LifeTrax(TM); that should definetley be a next project. The kind of thing I'm writing could really benefit from some href-ability.


Post by Ben »

The MySQL thing is no problem. Easy as hot meat pie to take the Monto Rusa stuff back afterwards. Although personally, I kind of like Monkey Monkey.

The question I have is, how do you make "www.montorusa.com" go to my little section of your place?

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Well, you had to point it somewhere to begin with, most likely your static IP address. Just change that so it points to www.joltcountry.com/~pinback instead. www.joltcountry.com points to a non-friendly POE-specific directory and everything so I can give you that with /~pinback on the end of it as well, natch.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Ben »

No sir. I have a dynamic IP address, and use a service (tzo.com) to host the DNS entry. I have a program which pings their service every minute or so saying "here's my new IP address".

But that's all that DNS does, gives you an IP address. So all I could say would be "go to joltcountry's IP address". But that won't work, because joltcountry's IP address goes here.

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