Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire rebooted the Justice League back in the late 80s and it was consistently the most entertaining and flat-out funny comic I have ever read in my life.
Giffen and DeMatteis got through sixty issues of JLA before calling it quits (Maguire didn't stick around nearly as long) but they are all back this month with a comic called "Formerly Known as the Justice League." And lucky for everyone who loved the "Bwa-ha-ha" version of the JL, it's great.
This six-issue limited series (though I heard that it was renewed for another six) is an introductory tale, and unlike most other comics based on introduction, it doesn't completely suck. After boss Maxwell Lord rescues the robot L-Ron from his job working the drive-through, he brings back several of the real Leaguers. Blue Beetle -- one of the finest characters in American fiction -- is back, although apparently some idiot gave him a heart condition in the last few years. Booster Gold is making his way as a "kept" man, and Fire had been passing the time with her own Internet porn site.
Hee, hee, hee.
It's excellent, and easily the best comic I've read since I got back into comics three years ago. The art and dialogue in this one is fantastic. This is what I've been missing.
I have no idea how this read to people who didn't follow the JLA during the period that Giffen and DeMatteis wrote it, but the success that this new book is makes it completely recommendable regardless. I only hope that Guy Gardner makes an appearance somewhere down the line and that further issues are not a re-hash of previous jokes and situations (from what I have gathered off Usenett and various interviews, this does not seem to be the case, but we'll see).
********** out of 10.