I therefore came up with: The Pink Flamingo. And while there are some meals that I'm happy to hear the guests enjoy, there are others where I genuinely don't give a crap what the guests say, because I'm so fucking jazzed about how it came out. (Though the guest in this case was suitably delighted, so things didn't have to come to blows.)
I therefore present to you: The Pink Flamingo.
1 lb flamingo-shaped pasta. (Substitute your favorite small, goofily-shaped pasta.)
4 strips bacon
2 skinned chicken breast filets, diced
4 cloves minced garlic
2 minced large shallots
1 cup dry white wine
1 cup chicken broth/stock
1 cup heavy cream
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 cup basil, chiffonade (or chopped), separated
1 tsp crushed red pepper
1 cup lightly packed grated romano cheese, separated
Salt to taste (obviously)
- Render fat of bacon in large skillet, set aside cooked bacon.
- Brown and cook chicken in bacon fat, set aside
- Put garlic/shallots in pan for 1 minute to cook
- Add wine, deglaze pan, reduce to dry mixture
- Add broth/stock, reduce by half
- Add cream, most of basil, tomato paste, red pepper, cooked chicken and bacon, bring to simmer and reduce slightly.
- Meanwhile cook pasta to al dente.
- Add pasta and most of cheese to sauce and toss.
- Season with salt appropriately.
- Garnish with remaining basil/cheese, and perhaps a little toasted garlic bread (see photo).
That's it. Spec-fuckin'-tacular.