What exactly...

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What exactly...

Post by pinback »

>. is being advocated by the McDonald's ad at the top of this page? Are we to
>believe that the gentleman pictured actually wants to get down with his
>sandwich? Urban slang marketing skids off the road once again.


(I still refuse to acknowledge that this base changed back to its original stupid purpose from the much better topic of "crap you find on the internet".)
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Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

"I'm a dollar menu guy"??

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Post by AArdvark »

I'd buy that for a dollar... From ROBOCOP

I guess that the marketing white shirt and tie guys haven't figured out what that phrase really means. Maybe 'I'd hit it' isn't the same as 'I'd hit that'.

Hey, Johnson, we need a new slogan for our McDonalds campaign, know any new hip slang we can use?

Golly, Mister Williams, my sister has a friend that goes to college with other young people...

That's great! what do they say that's hip? Twenty three skiddoo still popular?

Well if we we selling arctic cats... Actually, there's this hitting term that means er.. to aquire something, I think.

Like, 'I want to bitch-slap a quarter pounder upside the head?'

No no no, that's kind of old now. It's more like...hitting the books means to go study or hitting a bowl means to get high.

........ Are you a pothead, Falker?

My name is Johnson, Mister Willams. I pass on grass.. all the time..I mean....no, yes, no....


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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Hey, I think Simmons is going to hate Jacksonville!!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Is this: Image

what you were talking about? Saw this on another board. I have to find your jokes elsewhere to understand them now? You fell the fuck off, Pinner.

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Post by pinback »

EH?!?!? Speak up, dear!! I don't have my ears in!!
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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

That guy is really happy with the fact that he would totally have sex with that hamburger.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

k. roo
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Post by k. roo »

It's not like it's totally unlike a jelly roll, and since it's from MD it'll even come with an, uh, authentic aroma. So cut the poor slob some slack.


Post by Vitriola »

They DO know that you really can't get an electric shock from peeing on voltage, right? It's the only episode of MythBusters I ever saw.

Seriously, if that could be done, guys with short wangs would have signed up for that long ago.


Everybody wang chung tonight

Post by milkunits »

You said WANG. I love that. Happy Valentines with you and your WANG.



16 Candles

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No more yanky my wanky,

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Post by milker »

If you could grow a penis, would you grow it on your arm?

Think about that for awhile. Would you grow it on your nose? Maybe even your foot.

I beat many women would suggest we grow one on our tongue.

This is good stuff right here.
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Post by AArdvark »

He had that thing on his arm for ten months. Hope he wore a fruit of the loom ace badage or something. besides, what's the point? Can't get off with it. Might as well have a cucumber wrapped in tinfoil down his shorts.


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