Halloween Costume Thread

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Halloween Costume Thread

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Halloween kind of works like this:

Ages 2-14: You go for the candy
Ages 15-17: You commit as much crime as possible
Ages 18-21: OMG!! Halloween!??! No huw-waaaay!!!
Ages 22-30: You go to Halloween parties in order to get shit-faced and meet girls
Ages 31-40: Same as 22-30 for those of us who didn't find any girls yet

Anyway, I'm in the 22-30 bracket, and a friend is throwing a Halloween party.

I haven't dressed up and gone out in two years now. Both are because Halloween was not on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday, which are the big social days in Fort Collins, and I had no idea which day it would be "celebrated" on. Halloween really needs to be federally mandated to one of those days. So I messed up, previously. But none of this matters now, as there's that specific party.

Anyway. I went as "The Joker" the last two times that I went out while in the Fort. It was OK, but the face paint would rub off on everything. It was really, really a mess. So if anyone has any suggestions, I am open to them. Would going as "Brodie Bruce" from Mallrats be too obtuse? I am thinking that it would involve:

o a brown jacket (got it)
o that shirt that he wears (got it from the View Askew site)
o jeanes (got it)
o a bag of chocolate-covered pretzels (can get those easily enough)

But it's nice to not have to tell people who you are all the time. I have no idea how ingrained into my Generation's memory he is. Shit. Some other Super-Villain would probably be better, but offhand I can't think of one.

(Also: is there white face paint out there that won't smear off so easily? There must be, right?)
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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

Yeah, I'd be surprised if anyone recognized Brodie.

But I'd be interested to hear if anyone has something to say about white face paint because I think I might want to be Manny Calevera (the dude from Grim Fandango) one of these years. I don't really have to tell people I'm a guy from a computer game.

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Post by Lex »

I feel that Brodie Bruce might not be entirely popular and well known; especially if you looking at the chix element. Claim to be god and smell like a whole lot of pot. Oh, wait, that's Phruitcake's "Disguise".

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Post by Worm »

"Ages 15-17: You commit as much crime as possible"
I'm seventeen and that isn't quite right.
Good point Bobby!

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

"Ages 15-17: You commit as much crime as possible"
I'm seventeen and that isn't quite right.
Are you instead planning on *fighting* crime that night? Because that's OK, too.
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Post by ChainGangGuy »

Hey, I'd have definitely spotted you in a Brodie Bruce costume! In fact, I was considering the exact same costume.

However, last year I spent a rather large sum of money on a Jedi Knight outfit, which turned out great, so I think I better just get some more use oughta that thing. Ah well.

My vote goes toward the Brodie costume!

[ ] - Bill Owens, Governor of Colorado!
[×] - Brodie Bruce
[ ] - Kingpin
[ ] - a Brine Shrimp

Worm in Space

Post by Worm in Space »

I'll probably play Ayu in Space.

I'm really not interestedd in doing much ... it is only halloween.

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Post by AArdvark »

18-PRESENT: Rig the house to scare the crap out of those dumb little trick or treaters!

This year its gonna be either:

A. A popup dummy in the green thing (garbage toter supplied by the city, that is) Thursday is garbage night in my sector and everyone will have thiers out on the curb.
I run a rope from my attic window to the tree out front. the rope goes thru a clothesline pully down to a weight (either a cinderblock or old can of paint) The weight has another piece of rope going up to another pulley and back down to the lid of the green thing. Thus when the attic rope is let go of, the weight is dropped and the green thing lid pops up rather quickly pulling the dummy (upper half only) ito view. I add spooky music from the Korg and foot operated floodlights to the mix and VIOLA! I get to keep all the Crackle and Reeces minis.

B. I put the dummy on the front steps with assorted jack o lanterns. The victims have to walk by it to get to the side door. I dress up as another dummy (no jokes. please) and slouch in a lawn chair by the side door. The victims will assume this is another stupid attempt at dummy making (effigy-ology?) and jump six miles when I leap at them when they least expect it. The streetlight out front will have an unfortunate accident involving my air rifle the night before so it will be dark as fuck. ( except for the green bulb in the socket by the door. Again spooky music sequenced from the keyboard and a foot operated floodlight for the critical moment. I got six bags of candy and expect to keep most of it.

This is the latest in a long series of Halloween shenanigins that have been going on at my house. I got so many repeaters year before last I had to turn in early.Everyone wanted to have their buddy scared as much as they were.

I have a small 12 X 12 milkbox built into the house and I hung a sign on the outside door asking people to please not open this door, knowing full well that everyone and thier brother is gonna open it. I had the air compressor on with a power wash nozzle hooked up. (air only, no water)
they opened the door and I'd blast 'em with air. Scared the crap out of them because of the noise. Fun,wot?


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Post by loafergirl »

White face paint- if you go for the more expensive stuff if smudges less, if this is not an option use the face paint and then pat talc powder (AKA baby powder) onto it. For best results after patting it on tap it lightly with a damp cloth and let dry, then reapply talc.
I knew my time at Holloween Express would serve purpose more than being payed to scare people for 2 months before sales picked up. I want that job back.
And Robb you could always go as a hockey player.

Any suggestions for me? I was thinking about being a Power Puff Girl but I'm still uncertain....

1, 2, 5!
3 sir...


Post by Ben »

I wish to go as a pretty little flower.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Ben wrote:I wish to go as a pretty little flower.
No, we mean for Halloween, not your prom.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Eckerds »

Then so you shall, Ben...

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Post by bruce »

I'm going to be Silent Bob.

Amy will be Jay.

It should be entertaining.


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Post by Lex »

loafergirl wrote:White face paint- if you go for the more expensive stuff if smudges less, if this is not an option use the face paint and then pat talc powder (AKA baby powder) onto it. For best results after patting it on tap it lightly with a damp cloth and let dry, then reapply talc.
I knew my time at Holloween Express would serve purpose more than being payed to scare people for 2 months before sales picked up. I want that job back.
And Robb you could always go as a hockey player.

Any suggestions for me? I was thinking about being a Power Puff Girl but I'm still uncertain....

Well, that'd be a weird fantasy come true. Do it, for me, because likley you'll never meet me, or if you do it'll be 6-8 months from now and you'll have forgotten. Be a pal. And take lots of pics.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

loafergirl wrote: And Robb you could always go as a hockey player.
That was one of my least-favorite moments from years ago -- going to Trish's Halloween parties dressed in the same clothes that I wore normally every day. Argh. If I could get a reroll on that, I would, due to personal pride. Halloween should be given much more respect than that.

I mean, maybe the first year it was funny, kinda, but definitely not he second.
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

bruce wrote:I'm going to be Silent Bob.

Amy will be Jay.

It should be entertaining.

DAMN YOU. I could definitely go as Brodie Bruce if you two were going as that, and we were going to the same place, and so forth. Make sure you grab some pictures, though! That's gonna be great.

So far my short list:

Tron. positive: will be cool / negative: will bankrupt me

Electro. positive: er... no-one else will be him / negative: that face thing prevents smooching, kinda

Steve Dallas. positive: it's Steve Fucking Dallas; easy to do / negative: nobody will recognize me

Vyvyan from "The Young Ones". positive: it'd be pretty cool, get to talk with a British accent / negative: again, nobody will likely place me unless I get three other guys to go as the other Young Ones, which I can't

Surely there must be some video game character that I can do that is kinda well-known, but not totally obvious. Just gotta think what it is.
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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

It might also be cool to be Tron before the new movie an d computer game come out, just in case they're bad or they're so good that a billion people are Tron next year.

You'd think that there'd be cheap ways to be Tron, but yeah, it cost me a lot to make a Tick costume years ago.

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Post by bruce »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
bruce wrote:I'm going to be Silent Bob.

Amy will be Jay.

It should be entertaining.

DAMN YOU. I could definitely go as Brodie Bruce if you two were going as that, and we were going to the same place, and so forth. Make sure you grab some pictures, though! That's gonna be great.
Well, it's this Saturday evening. There's gonna be some chick named Lisa there who won't shut up on our mailing list about her goddamn shoes. I've never met her before, so I'm finally going to get to meet someone and say, as my introductory line, "Nice shoes. Wanna fuck?" I've even rehearsed a Silent Bob version of that: Point at shoes, grin, give thumbs up, pump hips, draw question mark with index finger.

If you can grab a cheap flight to St. Louis--or drive: it's only about 14 hours in the car--you're totally welcome to crash here. You can even go to the Bill Passalaqua show with us beforehand. And this Friday is my birthday, so you could come out early for that celebration too, but I don't know what that will entail, other than drunkenness.


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Post by Da King »

loafergirl wrote: Any suggestions for me? I was thinking about being a Power Puff Girl but I'm still uncertain....
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we could come up wtih some ideas for you. ;)

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Two quick takes:

First off, props to Loafergirl for the baby powder thing. I am going tomorrow to get stuff for Halloween, so if I do in fact go as the Joker, I will do so only because I am able to make the makeup stay put. (Er, I am hoping to get a joy buzzer and one of those carnations that shoots water -- I did in fact already have baby powder.)

Secondly to Brucie -- Appreciate the hell out of that. And in fact, I do hope to be able to make it to St. Louis at some point, because it sounds like it will be a hell of a time. I was already set to go to a party thrown by a guy from the Mean Streak Softball team though. But thanks!

Lastly, to continue the thread and to steal ideas from everybody: JC Comedy Player Fodge is up for going as "Jay" if he can find someone to go as "Silent Bob." I don't want to go as Silent Bob, but I do have a trench coat. So we're trying to get my brother interested in the idea. This makes the Brodie costume, however, doable if there are already two guys going as characters from Kevin Smith's flicks.

Does anyone know how to put a fake beard on somebody? When I was in the "Olympics of the Mind" and had to be "Queequeg" for the Moby Dick thing we did, I think we used burned cork. But it could have been something else, I dunno. HELP ME PLEASE
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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