Bitching about Slashdot

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Bitching about Slashdot

Post by bruce »

Like, what the fuck?

Every article is either shit we've seen a dozen times before, e.g. "Janet Ian says 'RIAA BAD' and craps self" or it's a pointer to a <i>Wired</i> story.

I've always hated Slashdot posters and fanboys, but it used to be that they at least had breaking geek news before anyone else.

CmdrTaco can suck my wang.


k. roo
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Re: Bitching about Slashdot

Post by k. roo »

bruce wrote: ... or it's a pointer to a <i>Wired</i> story.
Look out, they're taunting you, or the report of a CNN story which was a report on a WCS story wouldn't have made it half an hour later.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Well, in their defense, the RIAA *is* pretty damn evil.

And chee -- we live in a world where Microsoft just announced that they are considering stopping the shipment of X-boxes into Australia, because the Aussie government (rightfully, IMHO) recently ruled that just maybe it's OK to mod the damn property that their citizens bought.

The kinda funny this is, with there being maybe half a dozen (at best) "must have" games for the X-box, I don't think such threats are going to come off quite as well as Microsoft thinks they are. It's a little worse than being told you can't buy a 3D0 anymore, really. (At least until they get their software library in better order.)
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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